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  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-14 15:25|


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    # 481楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-14 15:30|

    Results of 5th Cartoon Contest Santomera 2010 - Spain

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-03-14 15:31 编辑过。

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    # 482楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-14 15:33|

    Participants of First Hop Cartoon International Cartoon Contest -Tabriz 2010China 参赛者:
    Cheng Shibi
    Chengwei yin
    Dian chai
    Fan Jun
    Fan Lin Tao
    Fengcheng  GAO
    Gao Feng Cheng
    Hu Chin lung
    Hui Xiao
    Jing shan li
    Lee Ying Gender
    Li Chuan
    Liang Junqi
    Lidian guangLiu Jian
    Liu zi bo
    Li Yingchuan
    Miriam Haibin
    Mu Jianhong
    Qu Shi-Ling
    Sun baoxin
    Sun shen ying
    Wan  Fa    Gu
    Wang Yinxiang
    Wong Ka hung
    Wuhan Chuang
    Xu hong ming
    Xu Ji Bin
    Zhang Bo
    Zhang Shengbo
    Zhao yun sheng hi
    Zhang Wei
    Zehng na nan
    zhong li

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-03-14 15:35 编辑过。

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    # 483楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-16 08:44|

    Results of International competition on drawing for women - “Jaka bede ... 2010”

    485 participants

    First Prize: Sonia Churova / Bulgaria

    Second Prizes:
    Jurij Kosobukin / Ukraine
    Anatoli P. Radin / Russia

    Third Prize: Henryk Cebula / Poland

    Internet mention for contest 2009: Katarzyna Rubin / Poland 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-03-16 08:44 编辑过。

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    # 484楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-16 20:16|

    The first sun shine International Cartoon
    contest 2010- Japan


    *The competition is open to all cartoonists from all over the world any professional and amateur over 20 years.

    * The participants must be send their personal information, photo, and short biography with their cartoons.

    * The works should have been awarded in no other cartoon contest. * The cartoons should be in JPG format, in 1200 pixel size, and with 150 dpi resolutions.


    One work.

    * The cartoons should be sent to:


    * any technique will be accepted (any style, digital or by hand).

    * The sun shine organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest and use them for promotional purposes and use them in any form.

    * Political cartoons should not be submitted to the Competition.

    * All the cartoonists whom their cartoons are displayed in the exhibition will receive a free cartoon book.

    * Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's.

    Themes each month:

    Apr: game for children and elders.

    May: attire, cosmetics, and barber.

    Jun: crisis in nature and environment.

    Jul: football and world cup.

    Aug: crisis in the sky and pollution.

    Sep: soldiers and war.

    Oct: issues related to water.

    Nov: space sciences.

    Dec: my favorite subject.

    Deadline for monthly prizes:

    30 each month

    * The results Monthly Prizes of the competition will be announced 15 each month.


    1) Monthly Prizes:

    * Special Prizes for 10best cartoon and select for main prizes.

    2) Main Prizes:

    Grand Prize: 12000 dollars + sun shine medal+Certificate.

    Gold Prize: 6000 dollars+ sun shine medal+Certificate.

    Silver Prize: 3000 dollars+Certificate.

    Bronze Prize: 1500 dollars+Certificate.

    Special Prizes and Honourable Mentions.

    The final results Main Prizes of the competition will be announced on Jan 2011.


    * The Jury composed of foreign members and Japanese artist.

    Contact us for any question:


    Chairman office:


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    # 485楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-20 09:11|


    Organization: Câmara Municipal de Penela / Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal

    Curator: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)




    1) The contest is open to all caricaturists/ Cartoonists, all graphic artists with humor, professional and amateur.

    2) The subject matter of the exhibition is: Theatre  (Theatre Drama, Musical, Caricatures of the theater ...)

    3) - Deadline: May 1, 2010

    4) Each artist can send until 4 works in black and white (one color - not accepted drawings 2, 3 or 4 color) format not exceeding A4, open to all techniques and styles (the work done the computer, beyond their transmission in electronic form - CD or floppy disk 300 dpis Jpeg - must also have an A4 print, hand signed and numbered 1 / 1) as a caricature, cartoon, design humor, strip, plank bd (a story board only) ... identified and they should come on the back with name and address, e-mail, telephone and Nº taxpayer. The works must be accompanied by a brief curriculum.

    4) The work will be judged by a jury consisting of: a representative of the Board City Hall, a representative of the Parish of Cord; representatives of a family Oliveira Guimarães, the Artistic Director of the Biennale, a representative of the sponsors, and two guest artists, and awarded the following awards:

    1st prize -  € 2.000,0

    2nd prize - € 1.500,00

    3rd prize - € 1.000,00

    5) The Jury has the right not to exhibit any submitted work with no quality

    6) - The organization shall inform all the artists by e-mail have been selected, and what the artists awarded.

    7) - Will be published book, as well as postcards

    8) - The winning works are automatically acquired by the organization. All others will be returned after the exhibition, with its catalog at the end of 2010.

    9) - Reproduction rights are owned by the organization as soon as it is to promote this Hall, and occasionally discussed with the authors, for other uses.

    10) - Entries must be submitted by May 1, 2010 for II Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela - Portugal

    11) - For further information contact the Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)

    12) - The Second Biennial of Humor Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2010, will take place from June 5 to July 30 with extension to Lisbon in September.

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    # 486楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-20 09:21|

    Two years and a half after the opening of the ECC, the annual report 2009 is is dedicated to
    the people: the cartoonist, the cartoon lover, the friends of the ECC, the press, the sponsors,
    the national and international partners and of course the volunteers. All those people are
    seeing to it that the ECC doesn’t appear as a dusty museum, but as an active energetic

    The third annual report has been subdivided into four chapters: the cartoonist, the cartoon
    lover, the view outside and the volunteers. Here a little summary.

    The cartoonist is obviously our most important partner. The ECC must be a place where the
    cartoonist feels at home. In 2009 Ludo Goderis was our home cartoonist, a lot of cartoonists
    received praise in our cartoon magazine Scherper, 246 international competitions has been
    announced through our website, the workshop drawing cartoons with the computer has been
    an enjoyed activity. Our most important activity was of course the Euro-kartoenale, the
    competition which saw the light 30 years ago.

    In 2009, the cartoon lover found his way to the ECC for no less than 9 exhibitions: BOSC,
    O-Sekoer, Ludo Goderis, Michel Bridenne, the Euro-kartoenale 2009 and 30 years Euro-
    kartoenale, Mikhail Zlatkovsky, Humour, Amour et Vigne and finally André Nollet. The blog of
    the ECC cartoonbooksclub appeals to a lot of visitors. The library of the ECC has been
    expanding in 2009. The website of the ECC counts more than 4300 visitors a day and an
    electronic newsletter has been started. Since 2009 also children and schools are welcome in
    the ECC, a pedagogic project has been developed for children from 10 to 12 years.

    The ECC has also a view outside: being part of the jury of national and international cartoon
    competitions, being present at all kinds of cartoon festivals and colloquiums in Belgian and
    abroad and supporting young organizations. In 2009, the exhibitions of the Euro-kartoenale
    and “Kartoons ya Congo” could be visited at different places.

    The ECC exists thanks to the effort of about 15 volunteers assuming the most different
    tasks: the cleaning, the receptions, the administration and the fund-raising, the building up of
    the exhibitions and the organization of workshops. The website, the magazine Scherper, the
    bookkeeping, the translations,… all these things are in the hands of the volunteers.
    By way of this annual report we are giving a view behind the scenes.
    To put it briefly…those people are the ECC.

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    # 487楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-25 11:27|

    1 PRIZE: Author: BONDAROWICZ City: Starachowice Country: Poland  
    2 PRIZE: Author: HİCO City: istanbul Country: Turkey  
    3 PRIZE: Author: ARES City: CIUDAD HABANA Country: Cuba

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-03-25 11:36 编辑过。

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    # 488楼

  • 漫画人刘子波发表于2010-03-26 11:59|

    收到第49届2010比利时克诺克海斯特入选名单,中国入选名单如下:巴毕力格、Qiao wu Jian、任坚、李润堂、魏铁生、侯晓强、张滨、张甲学、Zheng Limin。

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    # 489楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-28 21:55|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-03-31 11:41 编辑过。

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    # 490楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-03-31 11:46|


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    # 491楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-03 14:46|


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    # 492楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-05 11:01|

    7-77 PRIZE 2000$: Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria),这幅作品有些类似!本届共有决赛作品10幅.

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-05 11:10 编辑过。

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    # 493楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-05 11:16|

    Results of 9th EURO-FRUITCARTOONALE 2010 - "Fruit: On Tour",主办国3位作者获奖.

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-05 11:19 编辑过。

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    # 494楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-05 11:20|

    Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (AYACC) 2010

    In 2009 The Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (AYACC) had great success with your great effort, the organizer invited Dr.John A lent from USA, Mr.Rudy Gheysens from Belgium and Mr.Massoud Shojai Tabatabai from Iran to be jury member, finally Mr.Yalaz Sevket from Turkey won the General Best Prize!
    We send the rules of Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (AYACC) 2010 to you, and we only keep (B) Still image work section and delete (A) Animated work (pass over), so the Regulations looks transpicuous.
    Please send your entries to: ayacc2010@126.com, we will make CD-Room to submit to the jury meeting directly.
    Also please spread the contest on your web site and to your cartoonists's colleague, thank you very much in advance!
    Best regards,
    Committee of Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (AYACC) 2010

    Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (AYACC) 2010 Regulations--Still image work (Cartoon and Comics) section

    1)Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest is authorized by the Asian Pacific Animation & Comics Association and hosted by the Culture Industry Development Dept. of Culture Ministry of China and  Guiyang government.
    2)Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (hereafter referred to as " AYACC ") aims to be the top annual award for Asian and Pacific original animation and comics.
    3)Theme: Free
    (A) Animated work: pass over
    (B) Still image work:
    Single-frame work(cartoon); comic strips; illustration.
    The submission should be completed after July 1st 2008 and the applicant has the copyrights of the work.
    (A) Entry for the Category (A) (Animated Works): pass over

    (B) Entry for the Category (B) (Still Image Works):
    - All works must be submitted to send by internet to the appointed email box:
    - The format should be ".JPG " in a minimum size of 300 dpi.
    - Any compressed work such as ".RAR " format is not allowed
    All works must be subtitled in English.
    (A) Anyone living in Asia and /or with roots in Asia, Pacific and America, cover all coutry of Asia (including Turkey and Cyprus), Community of Independent States (including Russia,Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Gruziya, Moldova), South America, Central America and North America, Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar is eligible to enter.
    (B) The applicant may enter multiple works, there are no limited of entry number.
    7)Awards and Prizes
    (A)Animation Awards: pass over
    (B)Still image work (for Cartoon and Comics) Awards
    General Prize:
    Special Jury Prize Best artworks
    Best cartoon---------------------------10000RMB
    Best Comics Strips---------------------------10000RMB
    Best Illustration---------------------------10000RMB
    Best Character Image (1)---------------------------3000RMB
    Most Innovative Design (1)---------------------------3000RMB
    Best Students' works---------------------------2000RMB/each
    Other honors
    - The organizing committee will inform all nominated prize winners the results of the contest before the awarding ceremony.
    - The organizing committee will invite ONE representative from each award to be present at the awarding ceremony and provide the invitees the transportation tickets and accommodations during the time of the awarding ceremony.
    - The nominated applicants who participate in the awarding ceremony will have a free-of-charge pass, offered by the organizing committee.
    - Trophies and certificates will be awarded prize winners and nominated applicants.
    - All prizewinners are solely responsible for paying taxes in connection with any monetary award, in accordance with all applicable local laws.
    8)Submission Period
    Entry Deadline:
    The entry deadline will be on June 15, 2010
    (A) Each submission is allowed to submit to AYACC once. Works awarded in other contests can be submitted.
    (B) Entry form is not required for each submission. But entries must be accompanied by author's full name, address, telephone(or fax) and email.
    (C) Submission will not be returned; so please do not send us your only copy!
    (D) Any submission sent by Internet will be accepted.
    10)Awarding Ceremony
    The Awarding Ceremony will be held on August 6, 2010, in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China.
    (A) The organizer of the Contest will issue the prizes and certificates.
    (B) The organizing committee reserves all rights for final explanation.
    11)The Right to Utilize the Work
    - The applicant acknowledges and agrees that the Work (in whole or in part) may be reproduced and be widely utilized by the Organizer or its affiliated companies by means of broadcast (regardless of media), online transmission (including but not limited to the internet and mobile communications), exhibition, and distribution (e.g. in the form of a videogram).  
    - For the sole purpose of publicizing the Award and the future AYACC or similar award(s) organized by the Organizer, the Organizer shall have the right, without notice to the applicant, to utilize the Work in whole or in part by means of broadcast (regardless of media), online transmission (including but not limited to the internet and mobile communications), exhibition, and distribution (e.g. in the form of a videogram) free of any payment to the applicant, in perpetuity.
    12)Contact Information
    AYACC organizing committee
    Add: 2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tian Chang Yuan, Media Village, Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100107, P.R.C
    Tel: 86 10 84827149    Fax: 86 10 84827182
    Web site:www.ayacc.org
    Email: ayaccevent@gmail.com(uesd only for information, not for entries)

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    # 495楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-05 16:47|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-06 07:23 编辑过。

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    # 496楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-06 07:33|


    Organisers: Municipality of Blato / Brešan d.o.o. Split

    Water and forests (Croatian authors)
    Free choise (foreign authors)

    Golden thorn (caricaturists from the coast)
    Golden bone(caricaturists from the continent)
    Golden sea urchin (foreign caricaturists)

    Deadline: 15. 05. 2010.
    Format: min A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) - max A3 (297mm x 420 mm)

    Note: Organisers insist on originals, because of the future Museum of caricature fund

    Općina Blato
    (Dani smiha)
    Trg Franje Tuđmana 1
    20000 Blato



    Slobodna Dalmacija
    (Igor Brešan)
    21204 Dugopolje
    Dugopoljska 11


    tel: 00385 21 352 757
    mob: 00385 98 98 357 22
    mob: 00385 98 370 166

    Opening and award giving ceremony tuesday 03. 08. 2010. Municipality of Blato, 20.30 h



    Organisers: The town of Trogir/ Brešan d.o.o. Split





    Golden sea-gull 1 (Croatian authors)
    Golden sea-gull 2 (foreign authors)

    Deadline: 15. 05. 2010.
    Format: min A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) max A3 (297mm x 420 mm)

    Note: Organisers insist on originals, because of the future Museum of caricature fund

    Grad Trogir

    Trg Ivana Pavla II 1

    21220 Trogir


    Slobodna Dalmacija
    Pomet (Igor Brešan)
    21204 Dugopolje
    Dugopoljska 11



    tel: 00385 21 352 757
    mob: 00385 98 98 357 22
    mob: 00385 98 370 166


    Igor Brešan

    21000 Split

    Ruđera Boškovića 25




    tel/fax: 00385 21 47 06 47

    tel: 00385 21 896 212

    gsm: 00385 98 370 166

    Split, 30. 03.2010.

    Dear friends of Blato and caricature

    With ten years of festival of humour in Blato and forty years of my journlistic work in Pomet, the humouristc addition of Slobodna Dalmacija (circulation of 70.000), we are going to issue a book with the participants of the festival and  Pomet colaborators, includiing 300 chosen cricaturists. We need, at the latest by 01.05. 2010., one of your original caricatures max A3 format (210 x 297mm), free theme, preferably in colour, one personal photo, short biography (place and time of birth, proffesion, job, awards…) and your e-mail, phone numbers and address. You can send everything by e-mail, and one original (after scanning) also by regular mail, bacause all included authors are also participate of the exhibition which will, from Split, go to Sofia (Bulgaria), Skoplje (Macedonia), Warsaw (Poland), Zagreb (Croatia), Gorizia (Italy), Bratislaw (Slovakia)…

    The original will remain in the future museum of national importance.

    Looking forward to your responses with great joy,

    Igor Brešan

    Director of the Blato festival and editor of Pomet



    Slobodna Dalmacija


    Igor Brešan

    21204 Dugopolje

    Dugopoljska 11




    gsm: 00385 98 98 357 22

    tel: 00385 21 352 757

    tel: 00385 21 352 888

    P.S. Please write us which festival catalogues from Blato (2000. – 20008.) you don’t have in your archive so we can send them with the book. If you didn’t send your works in some of the years maybe we have used some of the works that you had sent earlier.

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    # 497楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-06 08:03|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-06 08:06 编辑过。

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    # 498楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-08 10:15|


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    # 499楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-08 15:19|

    SICAF 2010 International Digital Cartoon Competition
    : Chance to post your works on the www.toondosi.com

    SICAF 2010 International Digital Cartoon Competition is sponsored by SK Telecom ‘Toondosi’ (www.toondosi.com). The selected works for final competition will be presented on the Toondosi website. The Grand Prize, the Gold Prize, and the Creative Story Prize Winner will have opportunity to post their works on the website. Show your potentials in Web Cartoons, Scroll Comics, Mobile Comics, Digital Illustration, Creative Story. Make your dream come true!

    * Entry Deadline
    Feb 24, 2010 - Apr 20, 2010

    * Categories
    Web Cartoons/ Scroll Comics (Short Story, Long Story)/ Mobile Comics/ Digital Illustration/ Creative Story

    * Prizes
    Total 30,000,000\ (Grand Prizes 10,000,000\) Foreign exchange rate is subject to change. (Korean currency: Won)
    -The Grand Prize and the Gold Prize Winner will have opportunity to post their works on the web-site (www.toondosi.com)
    -The Creative Story Prize winner will have opportunity to post their works on the web-site (www.toondosi.com)
    -All prize winners will be published on international advertisement booklets (English, French, and Japanese)

    *All materials should be submitted to
    - Official Website: www.sicaf.org
    - For any questions, please contact: E-mail: digitalcartoon@sicaf.org Tel: 82.2.3455.8411
    - Please submit your work to our official website, www.sicaf.org. (Off-line submission is not available.)
    - The official languages of the competition are Korean and English.

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    # 500楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-11 11:37|

    Beijing Namel
    Chen Yue Xi
    Chen An Yong
    Fan Lin Tao
    Hao Yan peng
    Jin Xiao Xing
    Jing shan Li
    Liang Junqi
    Lou Ye
    Lu Sha
    Qiao Weis
    Qu Shi Ling
    Rui Sheng
    Shang jun
    Sun Baoxin
    Wan Fa
    Wang Hai yan
    Wang Rui Sheng
    Wang Yinxiang
    Wang Yong Qi
    Xiao Qiang Hou
    Xue Hong
    Yuan Zhu
    Zhang jing Bin
    Zhang Shengbo
    Zhang Wei
    Zhao Yun Sheng Hi
    Zheng Nanan
    Zhengyi Yin

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    # 501楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-12 10:56|

    World Cartoon Day, April 7, was celebrated in Tabriz Cartoon Museum. Rahim Asghari mentioned: "Molla Nasreddin, first cartoon magazine, was published in Tiflis in 1906. Then it continued being published in Tabriz and Baku for 23 years. This magazine took East Asia under influence.

    Rahim talked about Azerbaijan cartoon. Following, new members of Tabriz Cartoon Association were introduced.

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-12 10:56 编辑过。

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    # 502楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-12 18:56|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-12 18:56 编辑过。

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    # 503楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-13 18:31|

    The results of the 12th PortoCartoon World Festival 2010:第一\第二\第三名

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-14 16:00 编辑过。

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    # 504楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-13 18:36|

    The results of the 12th PortoCartoon World Festival 2010荣誉奖(Rahim Baggal Asghari ,Irão | Iran,s/ título|Untitled)

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-13 18:45 编辑过。

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    # 505楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-13 18:58|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-13 18:59 编辑过。

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    # 506楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-14 08:29|

    Jia  Ruijun    Zhanq Yiren                                   Bilig Ba                                       Zhanq A He                                     Guo Zhihang                                Xu Caixiao                                    He Xin Wan                                  Wei Jia Ning                               Mu Yujia                                      Zhao Yunsheng Yi                      Hou Shiming                                 Han Chang                                Zhu Zizun                                  Shi TianJun                              Wang Da Peng                            Shen Yeng Sun                           Cai You 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-14 08:34 编辑过。

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    # 507楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-17 12:50|


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    # 508楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-18 11:42|

    1. Any artist, amateur or professional, can participate in this competition, as it is a competition which is open internationally.

    2. The competition theme is: "Caricature Singers or Celebrities Musicians."

    3. Only one original piece of work will be accepted from each participant. The piece must be original, not have won any prizes in previous competitions or have been published anywhere else. Any pieces which are considered, according to the criteria of the judges, to be similar in any way to other well known artwork will be disqualified immediately.

    4. Artwork can be executed using any pictorial technique within a maximum scale of A3 (420 x 297mm) or a scale which is proportional to this. Digitally formatted work will also be accepted. In this case the work must have a resolution of 300ppi and be presented in JPG or JPGE format.

    5. If any text is present in the work it must be translated into Spanish or Catalan.

    6. Artwork must be presented within a sealed envelope together with the details of the participant (name, surname, address, nationality, telephone number, email address, etc). Work can also be sent by email to the following address: eix@eixcomerciallleida.com (Eix Comercial), with the participant's details in another document attached to the same email. It is advisable for artwork that is not digital to be colour photocopied and hand signed. All original artwork will be returned to the artist once the competition has finished.

    7. The final admissions date for artwork is 5th May 2010.

    8. From 12th May 2010 artwork will be exhibited in the shops that are members of the Association of the Lleida Eix Comercial (Shopping District), and will be duly labelled. Prior to this a panel of specialist judges will be convened, formed by one representative of Humoralia, another from the Shopping District and two professionals who will judge the 200 best entrees, which will be exhibited. These artworks will also be exhibited on the Eix Comercial (Shopping District) Association website. The judges reserve the right to declare the prize null and void if the quality of the originals is insufficient or if there is little or no public interest.

    9. The artist is obliged to give up all image copyrights for the artwork presented for its publication and exhibition, both physical and digital, as well as publishing them in a catalog, which can be downloaded from the web humoreix. Once the work has been judged and finalized it will be returned to the artist. The organization pledges not to use images of the winning piece, or any other award winning pieces, without prior permission from the artist. Moreover, the organization will take full responsibility for the originals from the moment they are received until the finalization of the competition.The organization promises to inform the contestants of the reception and acceptance of the participating artwork via email or publication on the Eix website

    10. One prize only of €1,500 will be awarded to the winning entry.

    11. The verdict will be decided by public vote over the Internet using the Shopping District's website in a first phase. Only allowed one vote per person. In a second phase, a qualified Jury composed by representatives persons of the Commercial Association "Eix" and Humor鄉ia will decide between the 3 most popular votes, wich was the winner. The judges?decision will not be open to appeal.

    12. The verdict will be released during the 11th and 12th June 2010

    13. Participation in the competition means the acceptance of all terms and conditions. Any doubts or problems that may arise during this time will be dealt with by the organization through a memo to its members.

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    # 509楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-18 11:44|

    "Pencil in the North" International Cartoon Competition 2010

    Cartoon theme: "EURO AND EUROPE"

    Deadline: October 15th, 2010


    1st prize : 600 euros
    2nd prize : 400 euros
    3rd prize : 200 euros

    Main-Prizeswinners will be invited to attend the opening ceremony and prize giving? The costs for their stay and transport will be covered by the organizers of the cartoon contest.
    If the artist's physically presence is required to receive the prize, this rule should be cleary expressed by the organizers.
    Number of entries: max 2
    Works previously published or awarded in other competitions are excluded
    Digital: Yes, but the print out must be signed by the artist
    Format: max A4

    Works returned:
    Non-digital artwork to be provided initially as color photocopies which will not be returned. Artists of selected works will be asked to provide original artwork, which will be returned at the organizers expense.
    . Original artwork will be returned to the artists on request.
    Exhibition: yes
    Free catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrant

    Copyright issues
    The organizers have the non-exclusive rights to use awarded works (meaning works who were awarded with a money prize) to advertise the next edition of the contest, without payment to the artist. The organizers of cartoon contest claim no other rights to the use of awarded cartoons.

    Donation transfer of ownership of actual paper artwork to the organizers does not signify unconditional transfer of copyrights ?these are retained, unless otherwise specifically agreed, by the artist. Should further rights be sought, they are to be subject of a new agreement between the artist and the organizers.
    The organizers claim no rights for the use of non-awarded works.

    Address to send the artworks:
    Association 49+ la B.D.Francophone
    Madame Francine Coppens
    91 rue d扐usterlitz
    59200 Tourcoing

    Contact for further information: bdfrancophone@free.fr

    Web: http://www.bdfrancophone.fr/

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    # 510楼




