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  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-18 11:47|

    Results of World Press Cartoon Sintra 2010

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-18 11:50 编辑过。

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    # 511楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-19 14:40|


    1。奖: 马库斯Grolik(德国)
    2。奖: 卢博米尔Juhas(斯洛伐克)
    3。奖: 亚历山大Shaurov(俄罗斯)

    ART.EAST -斯尼纳基金会奖: 彼得Endyk尼文代克(荷兰)
    纱丽啤酒厂奖: 鲍里斯Erenburg(以色列)
    奖普雷绍夫特别奖: 斯拉夫科瓦里克(捷克河)
    保加利亚研究所kultúrneho奖: Jovčo萨沃夫(保加利亚)
    PIVNEJ画廊普雷绍夫奖: 阿林-坎泰米尔托阿德尔(罗马尼亚)
    伊戈尔舍夫契克奖: 米罗Žolobanić(斯洛伐克)
    普雷绍夫城市奖: 彼得塞德拉克(斯洛伐克)

    托索博尔科维奇(塞尔维亚),罗马尤尔卡斯(捷克河),安德烈克里莫夫(俄罗斯);巴.比力格(中国); HONG  GUN(中国);亨里克Cebula(波兰);卡洛斯奥古斯河纳西门托(巴西);鲁道夫Pejril (捷克河);(乌克兰)阿列克西普雷Kustovskij;茨基(Slovensko);极化洛伊尔斯(Luxembug);梅内克谢锦雯(土耳其);袁生翔Yuan Sheng Xiang (中国),奇代姆德米尔(土耳其);(希腊)福蒂斯Thimodeas;瓦莱里Tarasenku(俄罗斯),克里斯蒂安拓泰(罗马尼亚)


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-20 11:34 编辑过。

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    # 512楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-19 18:02|


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    # 513楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-20 11:57|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-20 11:58 编辑过。

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    # 514楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-21 08:46|


    Cartoon theme

    the independence of Latin American countries


    July 19th, 2010

    Cartoon theme

    the independence of Latin American countries


    July 19th, 2010


    Professional category

    Single Award

    1.000 Euros

    Categories Amateur

    Single Award

    Interactive graphic humor and caricature course, to a value of 284 euros

    Number of entries

    max : 2


    yes (300 dpi, jpg format)


    50 x 35 cms

    Works returned

    The winning entries come to be part of the collection of the National School of Cartoon and Graphic Communication Corporation that may use them for purposes of disclosure or academic or cultural purposes.

    - Not awarded work involved may be used by the institution for disclosure and academics purposes. If it is original, may be returned at the headquarters of the National School of Cartoon from 11 October to 1 November 2010.

    Copyright issues

    Respecting the copyright. Using them is limited to academic, or cultural. The organization is committed to the non-use of the winning image without prior permission of the author and other works are not awarded in other events or publications which are not exclusive of humor.

    Address to send the artworks

    II Graphic Humor and Cartoon Biennial – City of Bogota

    Corporación Escuela Nacional de Caricatura y Comunicación Gráfica

    Carrera 20 B No 74 40

    Bogota, Colombia - Sur América.

    Contact for further information


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    # 515楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-21 08:47|


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    # 516楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-21 16:45|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-21 16:57 编辑过。

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    # 517楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-21 16:45|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-22 14:32 编辑过。

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    # 518楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-21 16:49|

    我的漫画 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-26 20:54 编辑过。

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    # 519楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-23 00:27|

    The results of the 3rd "Molla Nasreddin-Azerbaijan 2010"International Cartoon Contest.12幅作品获奖.

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-23 00:32 编辑过。

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    # 520楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-26 16:48|


    a Bilig

    Pei Dong

    Gui Bao Gai

    Li Pei Gen

    Xue Hong

    Xiao Qiang Hou

    Jia Ruijun

    Run Tang Li

    Hao Yanpeng

    Cai Weidong

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-26 16:52 编辑过。

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    # 521楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-29 17:34|

    First Annual International Festival of Caricature, North Khorasan Art Center - Iran

    Theme: Work and Effort (double effort, double work)

    1- Number of cartoons: Max. 5
    2- Entry form must be filled and sent besides cartoons, otherwise the artworks will be excluded from the contest.
    3- A free copy of published catalogue will be sent to all selected cartoonists.
    4- Works should be in JPEG format, 150 DPI and max. 1200 pixel.

    Deadline: July 01, 2010

    First Prize: $1000 + Trophy + Diploma
    Second Prize: $750 + Trophy + Diploma
    Third Prize: $500 + Trophy + Diploma
    Special Prize: $250 + Trophy + Diploma
    Jury will reserve 5 diplomas for selected artworks.

    Address to send your cartoons: cartoonhoze@gmail.com

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    # 522楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-29 17:36|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-04-29 17:49 编辑过。

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    # 523楼

  • 庄户人发表于2010-04-29 20:24|


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    # 524楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-30 11:10|


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    # 525楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-30 17:06|

    Dear Wan Fa Gu,

    I would like to inform you about the locations of the „Intercultural dialogue” – 12th Hungarian Cartoon Festival. Please see the details and photos attached. Thank you for being part of the Festival.

    Yours sincerely, Szilvia Bába

    Szilvia Bába

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    # 526楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-04-30 17:07|

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

    the production of the catalogue has been delayed for some weeks.

    We let you know as soon as possible when the catalogue has been finished.

    With kind regards
    Hartmut Porsch

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    # 527楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-01 07:12|

    SMEXANAPA International Cartoon Festival


    "Chicken and egg"

    1- Number of cartoons: Max. 5
    2- Entry form must be filled and sent besides cartoons, otherwise the artworks will be excluded from the contest.
    3- A free copy of published catalogue will be sent to all selected cartoonists.
    4- Works should be in JPEG format, 150 DPI and max. 1200 pixel.

    Deadline: May  31, 2010


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    # 528楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-01 07:28|


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    # 529楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-01 07:32|

    古画新说 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-05-01 07:32 编辑过。

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    # 530楼

  • cy9931发表于2010-05-01 20:24|

    第15届以色列海法国际漫画大赛,一等奖被授予甘地Alitinsky,以色列; 二等奖是授予Loarnandeas阿里斯蒂德,古巴;三等奖授予格雷·戈里卡兹,以色列;中国 蔡友的漫画作品获得荣誉奖。

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    # 531楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-01 22:31|


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    # 532楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-02 14:58|

    30th International Nasreddin Hodja
    Cartoon Contest

    One Cartoon , Original Cartoon, The Best Cartoon


    a) The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world.
    b) The cartoonists are free to participate with already published works as long as these works have not previously been awarded in any other contest.
    c) Choice of subject is free.
    d) The participants may send only one work.
    e) The dimensions of works should not exceed 30 x 40 cm and only originals are accepted.
    f) Name, surname, address, phone number and country of origin of the participant should be written on the back of his/her work. And also a short CV of the participant should be attached.
    g) The works must reach the organizing association not later
    than 21th August 2010.
    h) The results will be announced on 31th August 2010.
    i) The participating cartoons will be kept at the Cartoon and Humour Museum of Istanbul by the Association of Cartoonists.
    j) The participating cartoons will be put into album. The cartoons for the album and the exhibition will be selected by a jury. An album will be sent to the cartoonists whose piece of work are exhibited and published in the album.
    k) The participating works will be exhibited first in Istanbul then the big cities of Turkey such as Ankara, İzmir, Adana and Antalya.
    l) Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions.

    The Prizes

    a) Grand Prize: 5.000 $
    b) Honour Prizes: 5 Honour Prizes, each 1000 $
    c) Special Prizes: Special Prizes offered by various establishments, associations, newspapers, art magazines, syndicates and agencies
    Special Prizes of the Association of Cartoonists


    30th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest
    Karikaturculer Dernegi, Alemdar Caddesi,
    Yerebatan Sarnıcı Cıkısı Sultanahmet 34122 Istanbul / TURKEY

    Tel: +90 (212) 513 60 61
    Tel: +90 (212) 519 90 21
    Fax: +90 (212) 527 26 18

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    # 533楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-05 23:50|

    toonpool.com: CONTEST A380

    New cartoon-competition:

    toonpool.com is looking for most funny, witty and beautiful cartoons treating the new airplane AIRBUS A380! You can also create illustrations!

    Beautiful implies: positive - for the keen fans and first passengers of that giant plane!

    In case you figure an airline brand, so please use the Lufthansa brand: toonpool.com is carrying out an exclusive joint venture with airline Lufthansa to merchandise cartoons by toonpool.com's artists against suitable sharings (in case of use). Cartoons or illustrations could be used on fashion products (travelling bags, baseball caps, umbrellas, sweaters & T-shirts), as print or audio-visual material (calendar, catalogue, on screens) and in an exhibition.

    Please check some details:







    ...or better get some more informations by Wikipedia and Google.


    PRIZES for the internal toonpool.com-competition:

    1. Prize: Euro 300,00

    2. Prize: Euro 200,00

    3. Prize: Euro 100,00

    Better: suited cartoons and illustrations will be negotiated with Lufthansa for merchandising against payment.


    1.) Please do NOT upload the cartoons/illustrations on toonpool.com! Just send them by e-mail to info@toonpool.com (HiRes). We don't do anything without the artist's permission (contract).

    2.) Cartoons/Ilustrations can be sent to toonpool.com from now on.

    Deadline is Tuesday, June 15th, 2010 at 10 pm CET (Central European Time). You can send as many contributions as you want!

    3.) Unfortunately, there's no guaranty for publishing, exhibition or merchandising. Inappropriate cartoons/illustrations can be excluded.

    4.) A jury consisting of experts in art and aviation will determine the winners on 1st of July 2010.

    6.) The winners will be informed and announced on 2nd of July 2010.

    7.) Any recourse to courts of law is excluded.

    Peace & smiles,



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    # 534楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-06 10:59|

    Second International Tourism Cartoon Contest-Turkey

    theme of the competition: tourism

    The Second International Tourism Cartoon Competition is held with the cooperation of Anadolu University Research Center for Caricature Art, Association of Tourism Writers and Journalists and Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi (Anatolia: A Journal of Tourism Research). Tourism is one of the fastest developing sectors in Turkey and all over the World. Individuals’ various experiences during leisure travels are evaluated within the concept of tourism. Cartoonists? comprehension of tourism related issues such as accommodation, transportation, travel agencies, food and beverage, entertainment, recreation, sightseeing, museums, environment, tourist-resident relationships and also of the developmental process and of experiences of tourism, constitute the aim of this competition.

    submission guidelines:

    The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.
    Each performer is allowed to submit maximum three works.
    The cartoons submitted to the competition may be prepared as original drawings, digital printings or computer printouts. The drawing technique is open-ended. Drawings may be colourful or black and white. On the other hand, performers are required to put signatures on their drawings.
    Drawings must be minimum A4 (21x27,7cm) and maximum A3 (29.7x42.0cm) size and potential deformation during the sending process should be avoided. Participants are responsible for any deformation caused by the posting procedure.
    Participants must write their names, surnames and adressess behind their drawings. Also, they must complete the Participant Information Form placed below in the Windows Word format and post it together with their drawings.
    Cartoons sent may be of the ones previously published somewhere but previously awarded cartoons are not allowed to submit.
    Cartoons submitted for selection will be able to be printed in Anadolu University and its units, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, and in other printed materials of this organization such as books, catalogs, brochures, postcards, web sites and posters. All rights for any other publishing except these belong to the owner of drawing.
    Some selected part of the cartoons submitted for selection will be published in the album. Cartoonists whose drawings published in this album will be sent a copy of the album.
    Regardless of award-winning or taking place in the album, all the cartoons submitted for selection will not be returned and will be archieved in The Anadolu University Museum of Cartoon Art.
    All the cartoonists participated in the competition are implied to agree on the conditions and regulations of the competition.
    Award ceremony and the cartoon exhibition will be organized during the The East Mediterranean International Tourism and Travel (EMITT) Exhibition which will be held in Istanbul between 10-13 February 2011 . Award-winner cartoonists will be hosted by the scientific committee during the EMITT.

    Submission deadline is 31 October 2010.

    The organization committee is not responsible for any delays caused by posting process.

    gönderme adresi / postal adress
    Prof. Atila ÖZER
    Anadolu University,
    Eğitim Karikatürleri Müzesi,
    Akcami Mah., Malhatun Sokak, No: 6,
    Odunpazarı, 26030 Eskişehir/TURKEY


    7 günlük iki kişilik her şey dahil tatil / All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (7 days, 2 persons)

    6 günlük iki kişilik her şey dahil tatil / All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (6 days, 2 persons)

    5 günlük iki kişilik her şey dahil tatil / All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons)

                      7 Honorable mentions


    Participants must fill this form and post it together with their drawings.


    Katılımcıların bu formu doldurduktan sonra eserleri ile birlikte aynı zarf ile göndermeleri gerekmektedir.

    Ad ve Soyad

    Name and surname



    Adres (devamı)

    Adres (Cont.)

    Posta kodu

    Postal code






    Telephone number


    Fax number



    Fotoğraf veya karikatür

    Photograph or aricature
    Kısa özgeçmiş

    Autobiography in short

    Tarih:                                             İmza

    Date:                                              Signature:

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2010-05-08 01:05 编辑过。

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    # 535楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-08 01:06|

    37th International Humour Exhibition of PIRACICABA - BRAZIL


    1 - DATES
    The 37th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2010 will be held in accordance with the following schedule: Applications: until August 3rd, 2010. Art Selection: August 07th and 08th, 2010. Awards: August 21st and 22nd, 2010. Opening: August 28th, 2010

    The theme is free. Professional and amateur artists, Brazilians and foreigners can apply unpublished artworks that were not awarded until the closing date for entries (August 3rd, 2010). Artworks done in any technique will be accepted. Digital works, signed by author and indicated that it is a print number 01 and sculptures with humoristic content will also be accepted.

    Cartoon (graphic humor with universal and atemporal themes), Charge (graphic humor about nowadays journalistic themes), Caricature (graphic humor that express a physical traits and/or character from a well-known personality), Comic Strips (sequential graphic art, with a plot that closes in a standard format, usually published in columns of newspapers) and Vanguard (only via electronic submissions addressing the theme "Environment" in JPEG format and 300 DPI, maximum of 02 artworks by each artist, attached to a single time. The artworks can be sent to the following address:
    Maximum measures allowed: paper - 42 x 30 centimeters (A3) (16,54 x 11,81 inches), sculptures - 42 centimeters or 16,54 inches (height) x 30
    centimeters or 11,81 inches (depth) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (width).

    4 - AWARD
    Five (5) awards will be granted, a total of R$ 25.000,00 (twenty-five thousand reais), purchasing of Piracicaba City Hall, divided as follows:
    a) Five (05) prizes of 1st place, on the value of R $ 4.000,00 (four thousand reais) each, divided among the categories.
    b) One (01) prize of $ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called GRAND PRIZE OF INTERNATIONAL HUMOR EXHIBITION OF PIRACICABA for one of
    five winners in each of categories.
    c) For the winner of Grand Prize of International Humor of Piracicaba and for the first place winners of each category will be awarded trophies by cartoonist Zelio Alves Pinto.

    It will be awarded a prize of R $ 3.131,11 (three thousand one hundred thirty-one reais and eleven cents), exclusively for the caricature category, purchasing value from the City Council of Piracicaba.

    There will be a Selection Jury and an Award Jury composed by people with acknowledgeable talent in the area. The awards will be acquisitive Municipality to Piracicaba city. If the award jury confirms any kind of irregularity, fraud or plagiarism in one or more of the inscribed artworks, it will be able to cancel the award. The result of the award will be spread on until a week after the Exhibition's opening, with reasonable proves on any irregularity done without jury's knowledge.
    Note: The Award Jury keeps itself the right of not designating prizes to the categories which don’t achieve a sufficient level, transferring them to other categories.
    Another prizes and indications will be set in accordance with Organizer Commission.

    The artworks must be sent to the following address: 37th INTERNATIONAL HUMOR EXHIBITION OF PIRACICABA at Secretaria de Ação Cultural -
    Avenida Maurice Allain, 454 - CEP 123405-123 - Piracicaba - SP Brazil, accompanied by the registration form. For the vanguard category, next to the
    artworks sent electronically, the artist entered must attach the following information: name, artistic name, full address, telephone number, e-mail, Identify Card (ID), CPF and bank data.

    The artists selected transfer automatically authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions and publications in any media, without restriction, aiming to
    promote the event. The return of the artworks after the closing of the exhibition is to be formally requested in the registration form. Otherwise the artworks will ultimately belong to the collection of the Centro Nacional de Documentação, Pesquisa e Divulgação do Humor Gráfico de Piracicaba, which will exercise the right of property, as its interest.

    The organization of the 37th International Exhibition Humor of Piracicaba is not responsible for possible damages that may happen when the arts are sent or returned.

    Besides the completed registration form legibly, the reverse of each artwork should bring the following information: registration category, author's name, artistic name, full address, telephone number, e-mail, CPF and Identify Registration (ID) and bank data. Send also a résumé and a photo to cataloging on the database and search of CEDHU.

    The authors transfer automatically Authorial Rights of his artworks when awarded acquisitivetely (include mention), in accordance with the Law n° 9610, February 19st, 1988 (Authorial Rights Law), therefore, universal and definitely in all use modalities and gratuitous, the rights of the author, guaranteed by the mentioned law; referring to the awarded artworks in the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba and now integrant part of Municipal Public Property for the purposes of entitlements, in accordance with the Municipal Law n° 2249, 1976, partially amended by the Municipal Law n° 2486, 1982 and consolidated by the Municipal Law n° 5194, 2002.

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    # 536楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-10 18:48|

    Seyran Caferli / Azerbaijan

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    # 537楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-10 18:49|

    8th International Comics Festival Contest 2010

    8th International  Comics  Festival  Contest 2010

    SKC Happy Gallery
    Kralja Milana 48
    11 000 Belgrade

    Propositions and rules:
    • Participants are not age-limited
    • HIGH QUALITY COPIES ONLY, up to 4 pages, will be accepted. Works have to be sent via post office (e-mails excluded). Along with their work, participants are also required to send a filled APPLICATION FORM for the 8th International Comics Showroom Contest which can be downloaded from Here (incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration)
    • Required language: English
    • Theme, style, technique, genre and page format are free-choice
    • Page numbers and name of the author(s) should be written on the back of each page.
    • Submitted works will be reviewed by the jury and selected works will be shown at the Showroom exhibition.

    Awards & Prizes:
    • Grand prix of the Festival (includes 1000 Ђ)
    • Awards for the best traditional style comic, the best alternative comic, the best script and the best graphics
    • Special jury award for inventiveness  
    • Awards in the category up to 15 years of age: Young Lion special award (the best entry in the category), Special jury award for the best idea, Special jury award for maturity and imagination
    • Special jury award for the youngest contestant  
    • Sponsors' prizes

    Additional information:  www.skc.org.rs
      E-mail: srecnagalerija@skc.rs

    Happy Gallery SKC Belgrade, September 30th – October 3rd, 2010

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    # 538楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-13 23:44|

    We are pleased to announce the results of the 2010 Ken Sprague International Political Cartoon Competition ‘Money makes the World Go Round’ after the jury decision on 10 May.

    The jury found it incredibly difficult to choose winners this year, as the standard was extremely high.


    First prize: Farhad Bahrami Reykani (Iran)
    Second prize: Mihai Ignat (Romania)
    Third prize: awarded jointly to
    Ross Thomson (UK) and Robert Gumpertz (USA)

    The Appledore Visual Arts Festival Young Cartoonists’ Prize was awarded jointly to:
    Hélène Crusson Ripoche and Melle Cecile Quéau (France)

    The following runners-up were ‘highly commended’ and will receive a certificate.

    Cristina Bernazzani (Italy)
    Zakeri Alireza (Iran)
    Jitet Koestana (Indonesia)
    Murat Gök
    Gabriel Ippoliti (Argentina)
    Milos Pahic (Croatia)
    Darko Drljevic (Mexico)
    Lucian Do
    Pavel Constantin (Romania)
    Osvaldo Diàz Moreira (Cuba)
    Benjasit Tumying (Thailand)
    Veselin Damyanov-Ves (Bulgaria)
    William Rudling (UK)
    Thom Dean (Indonesia)
    Automiadis Yannis (Greece)
    Petar Jankov (Macedonia)
    Ares (Cuba)
    Bobby Starrett (UK)
    Sidnei Marques (Brazil)
    Constantin Ciosu (Romania)

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    # 539楼

  • guwanfa发表于2010-05-13 23:46|

    Results of 3rd International Contest of Caricature and Cartoon of VIANDEN 2010:第一名

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    # 540楼




