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置顶 精华 发表在 漫话漫画






  • 贾锐军发表于2010-08-24 09:24|


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    # 1501楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-08-26 08:57|

    第20届大田国际漫画大赛(DICACO 2011年)
    1,本今年的比赛包括一个塞马节(标题为东方+西方=收敛 )和自由节。
    2,作品大小应小于297毫米× 420毫米。
    3.Any颜色,自由的风格,和无限的项目。  (二工务)
    5,报名截止日期是6月的  30日,2011年 。
    6.Entries应该给:Daejeon international cartoon Association, 450, Wolpyongdong, Daejeon, 302-280, Seoul, Korea韩国
    *您最好给我们你的作品,事业,书籍,卡片,为DICACO 20周年的海报。
    *请检查30,000(在公州数码卡通漫画廊www.dicaco.com dicaco.kongju.ac.kr )

    举报 回复

    # 1502楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-08-26 09:03|

    册直至二零一零年十月十日。 Opening - November 26, 2010. 开幕- 2010年11月26日。

    All the professional or amateur cartoonists can register unpublished works, since they have not been rewarded in another contests and expositions until the date of closing of the registrations (10-10-2010) , and in the case of Comic Strip the character should be unpublished.所有的专业或业余漫画家可以登记未发表的作品,因为他们没有得到回报的连环漫画在另一起案件的性质和论述的比赛,直到闭幕日期的注册量(2010年10月10日),并应未公布。 Each author can register up to three (3) works for category, developed in any technique including them elaborated by computers.每位作者最多可注册三(3)工程类,包括他们在任何由电脑技术开发的阐述。 For each work correspondent a will own be filled (1) registration record.对于每一个将自己的工作,记者填写(一)登记记录。 In the case of shipping for CD, to enclose file with the author's data.在航运的CD的情况下,附上与作者的数据文件。

    The theme will be free for the four categories (Cartoon, Political Cartoon, Comic Strip and Caricatures) and with theme specified in Thematic Cartoon.这一主题将是免费的四个类别(漫画,政治漫画,连环画,漫画),并在指定的主题卡通主题。 The format will be the A3 (297X420mm) without frames and mounted on cardboard in the case of the originals.该格式将是没有框架A3座(297X420mm)和纸板安装在案件的原件。 In the category Comic Strip three will be accepted (3) boards with at the most four (4) comic strip in each board (format A3).在类别连环漫画3将接受(3)董事会在最四个(4)在每个板(格式答3)漫画。

    All the works, besides the works done with the hands, they can be correspondents for e-mail or CD, digitalized in 300DPI, color way RGB, in the format JPG (high quality) or PDF obeying the maximum limit of 2,0 MB.所有的作品,除了用手完成的工程,可为电子邮件或CD在300dpi或数字化,通讯员,颜色的RGB方式,在格式的JPG(高品质)或PDF服从的2,0 MB的最高限额。 The works can be sent through this site in the section Record of Registration.该工程可以发送通过此一节现场登记记录。

    Cartoon - Joke graph with universal theme and temporaries. 卡通 -笑话临时工与普遍的主题和图形。

    Political Cartoon - graphic Representation criticizes and well tempered of a political fact and/or social on present time. 政治漫画 -图形表现良好,批评和锻炼的一个政治事实/或当时社会上存在。

    Comic Strip - graphic Humor in sequence tans of pictures similar to published them in newspapers. 漫画 -图片图形序列鞣幽默在报纸上发表的类似研究。

    Caricature - graphic Representation with well tempered anatomical alteration of well-known personalities. 漫画 -图形表示方法和锻炼知名人士解剖改变良好的。

    Thematic Cartoon - That category will have a specific theme - "SIN" . 专题漫画 -这类别将有特定的主题- “罪恶”。

    Three will be checked (3) prizes for each category.三是检查(3)每类奖项。 In the total of R$ 30.000,00 like this divided: 在 R 总额为划分30.000,00是这样的:

    A) - Five prizes of 1st place, in the value of R$ 3.000,00 each, distributed among the categories;甲) - 五奖的第一位置,在R $ 3.000,00每个价值,分配的类别;

    B) - Five prizes of 2nd place, in the value of R$ 2.000,00 each, distributed among the categories;乙) - 5个奖项的第二位,在R $ 2.000,00每个价值,分配的类别;

    C) - Five prizes of 3rd place, in the value of R$ 1.000,00 each, distributed among the categories;三) - 五奖的第三位,在R $ 1.000,00每个价值,分配的类别;

    All the categories will have three Honorable Mentions through diplomas totalized 15 mentions .所有类别将有3个荣誉奖通过文凭提到汇总15。

    The values of the prizes for the international works will be transformed with base into the value of the Commercial Dollar of the date of dispatch of the consignment abroad, no more than three months after opening the event.为国际工程的奖品价值将被改造,变成了商业的海外派遣了一批不超过3个月后开幕活动,日期的美元价值的基础。

    NB.: The award jury the right is reserved of not destining prizes to the categories that don't reach the enough level, transferring for another categories, or creating a reward special of the Saloon.注。:陪审团裁决的权利是不保留转运奖项的类别,不达到足够的水平,另一个类别,或创建一个特殊奖励的轿车转移。

    When registering in the Salon, the author automatically transfers the Cession of the copyrights of your work(s) when winning, getting, in a total, universal and definitive way, in all the use modalities and gratuitous title, that starts to integrate the Patrimony of the Saloon of Humor from Paraguaçu Paulista in Brazil for all the right ends.当沙龙登记,提交自动将您的作品(版权割让)获胜时,获得了一个完全,普遍的,明确的方式,在所有的使用方式和无偿的标题,即开始整合继承财产幽默的轿车从帕拉瓜苏保利斯塔在巴西结束的所有权利。

    In case the award jury verifies some fraud species or plagiarism in an/ or more registered works, it can cancel the reward checked.在陪审团裁决的案件中一验证/或以上的注册工程部分物种或欺诈剽窃,它可以取消该奖励检查。 The works will be disclosed in the site of the Saloon after the inauguration of the same and they can be answered up to 10 days after the opening of the living room, with fitting tests of any irregularity made from the jury.该工程将在披露轿车现场后,同样的就职典礼,他们可以得到回答后,生活空间开放至10天,从陪审团作出的任何不正常的拟合试验。

    Other prizes and mentions can be instituted the approach of the Organizing Commission.其它奖品,并提到可以提起该委员会的组织方式。

    Works out of the regulation or considered plagiarisms will be automatically declassified.工程出了法规或认为抄袭将被自动解密。

    The works should be correspondents for the following postal address:该工程应在以下邮政地址记者:

    Salão de Humor de Paraguaçu Paulista - Alameda Gaspar Ampúdia s/n - Centro de Convergência Turística - Jardim Aeroporto - Paraguaçu Paulista - São Paulo - Brasil - CEP 197000-000 萨拉乌德幽默去帕拉瓜苏保利斯塔-阿拉梅达帕尔安普迪亚的S / ñ -特罗去汇合Turística -雅尔丁Aeroporto -帕拉瓜苏保利斯塔-圣保罗-巴西- CEP的197000-000

    Tel. 电话。 +55(18) 3361-6165, +55(18)3361-6165,

    until October 10, 2010 直到2010年10月10日
    (it is worth the arrival date). (这是抵达日期)的价值。

    E-mail: salao@salaodehumordeparaguacu.com.br电子邮箱: salao@salaodehumordeparaguacu.com.br

    The works will be returned until one year after the closing of the event, on March 26, 2012 .工程将产生直到一年后的2012年赛事结束,3月26日 。 In case the artist wants to receive its work before, it should remove in the Salon.如果艺术家想要接收其工作之前,它也消除了沙龙。

    举报 回复

    # 1503楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-08-26 09:11|

    登记为6 º萨拉乌德保利斯塔幽默去帕拉瓜苏国际

    Full fill the inscription and send to e-mail denis@denismendes.arq.br with the works annexed. 全部填写的题词和发送电子邮件 denis@denismendes.arq.br 所附的作品。


    Complete Name:    _____________________________________________________________ 完整名称:_____________________________________________________________

    Artistic Name:   ________________________________________________________________ 艺术产品名称:________________________________________________________________

    Country:  _____________________________________________________________________ 国家:_____________________________________________________________________

    State/Province:  _______________________________________________________________ 州/省:_______________________________________________________________

    City:  ________________________________________________________________________ 城市:________________________________________________________________________

    Addrress line 1:  ________________________________________________________________ Addrress行1:________________________________________________________________

    Addrress line 2:  _______________________________________________________________ Addrress行2:_______________________________________________________________

    Phone:   ______________________________________________________________________ 电话:______________________________________________________________________

    Cód. 鳕鱼。 Country:  ______        DDD:  ______              Phone:  ______________________________ 国家:______国内长途:______电话:______________________________

    E-mail:  _______________________________________________________________________ 电子邮箱:_______________________________________________________________________

    Birth Local:  ___________________________________________________________________ 出生地方:___________________________________________________________________

    Birth Day:  ____________________________________________________________________ 诞生日:____________________________________________________________________

    Passaport: ____________________________________________________________________ Passaport:____________________________________________________________________

    Bank information 银行信息
    (not required) (非必要)

    Bank:  ______________________________________________________________________ 开户行:______________________________________________________________________

    Agencu: _____________________________________________________________________ Agencu:_____________________________________________________________________

    CC:  ________________________________________________________________________ 抄送:________________________________________________________________________

    Main Holder:  ________________________________________________________________ 主要持有人:________________________________________________________________

    Mark x on the participates category and fill the respective titles and file name. 马克名x的参与类别,并填写各自的标题和文件。 Maximun 3 works each category 每类作品最长3

    (  ) Cartoon () 卡通
    WORK TITLE 1:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称1:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    WORK TITLE 2:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称2:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    WORK TITLE 3:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称3:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    (  ) Political Cartoon () 政治漫画
    WORK TITLE 1:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称1:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    WORK TITLE 2:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称2:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    WORK TITLE 3:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称3:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    (  ) Comic Strip () 连环漫画
    WORK TITLE 1:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称1:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    WORK TITLE 2:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称2:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    WORK TITLE 3:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称3:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    (  ) Caricature () 漫画
    WORK TITLE 1:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称1:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    WORK TITLE 2:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称2:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    WORK TITLE 3:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称3:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    (  ) Thematic Cartoon “SIN”. () 专题漫画 的“罪恶”。
    WORK TITLE 1:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称1:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    WORK TITLE 2:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称2:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 档案名称:________________________________________________________

    WORK TITLE 3:  ____________________________________________________ 作品名称3:____________________________________________________

    file name:  ________________________________________________________ 文件名称:________________________________________________________

    Los trabajos deben ser remetos para la postal siguiente: 洛杉矶trabajos迪本辑remetos段拉邮政siguiente:
    denis@denismendes.arq.br ou Salão de Humor de Paraguaçu Paulista - Alameda Gaspar Ampúdia s/n- Centro de Convergência Turística - Jardim Aeroporto - Paraguaçu Paulista - SP - CEP 197000-000 Tel. denis@denismendes.arq.br 欧萨拉乌德幽默去帕拉瓜苏保利斯塔-阿拉梅达帕尔安普迪亚s/n-特罗去汇合Turística -雅尔丁Aeroporto -帕拉瓜苏保利斯塔-警司-临选197000-000电话。 +55 (18) 3361-6165. +55(18)3361-6165。

    Hasta el 10 de Octubre de 2010 哈斯塔埃尔代10代Octubre 2010
    (siendo válido la fecha de llegada del material)). (siendo瓦利多报fecha德llegada德尔材料))。

    举报 回复

    # 1504楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-08-26 10:44|



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    # 1505楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-08-28 17:48|


    1. 参赛对象:


    2. 组织者

    主办:HONGTU 艺术机构

    3. 主题

    A) 熊猫 —— 我们最好的朋友
    B) 自由 —— 我的选择

    4. 参赛要求:

    1) 作品无论是否在其它任何比赛中获奖都将被接受。
    2) 参赛者必须提交原作参赛。 其它任何电脑打印、幻灯片、相片或者复印件作品将不被接受。
    4)作品最大尺寸为:350 x 500 毫米,并且不要装裱。

    5. 参赛表格

    请到我们的网站下载比赛报名表: 点击这里下载报名表

    6. 截止期限和展览
    2)展览将会于2011年2月在 HONGTU 艺术机构举行。

    1)请保证作品的平整邮寄,需要时可衬以硬纸板加以保护, 或卷起放入一个坚固的纸筒中。 折叠的作品将不会被接受。作品在邮寄过程中受到的损坏,组委会概不会负责。
    2) 作品邮寄地址:(101121)北京市通州区金桥时代家园364号楼341室  胡振宇(收)

    8. 评审
    1) 评审委员会由艺术家、版画家、插画家、漫画家以及出版社编辑组成。
    2)评审会议将在 2011 年1 月 15 日举行。
    3)组委会将于2011年2月1日在网站上公布大赛结果。 同时组委会将会通过邮政或网络形式连络获奖艺术家。

    9. 奖项

    1) 金熊猫奖 —— 金熊猫奖牌 + 2000 美金 ——1位
    2) 最佳作品奖—— 银熊猫奖牌 + 200 美金 ——10位。
    3) 评委会特别奖—— 铜熊猫奖牌 ——30位。

    10. 版权和销售
    2)所有的作品将会以作者标注的价格为基础进行销售。 组委会将会保留20%的销售价格,其余部分将会返还给作者,但是作者必须依照中国的法律依法纳税。我们的合作拍卖单位是歌华拍卖公司。未拍卖作品将会在红人国际漫画馆中长期展览拍卖。

    11. 目录


    12. 规定

    1)参赛作品将不会被退回。 它们会在红人国际漫画馆中长期展览陈列。

    邮寄地址:(101121)北京市通州区金桥时代家园364号楼341室  胡振宇(收)

    网站:  www.redmanart.com

    电子邮件: redmanart@126.com

    报名表 (中文)

                                                                         照片 (肖像漫画)
    联系地址 ………………………………………………………………
    …………………………………………………………………………                             …………………………………………………………………………
    邮编        ………………………………………………………………
    电话        …………………………………………………………………
    手机    ………………………………………………………………
    E-mail                …………………………………………. …………………
    个人网页   ……………………………………………………………

    参赛作品:                                       标题                                    售价

    主题A) 熊猫       
    1        …………………………………………………      ……………………                                
    2        …………………………………………………      ……………………                              
            3        …………………………………………………      ……………………       4  …………………………………………………      ……………………
    5  …………………………………………………      ……………………                           
    主题 B) 自由       
    1        …………………………………………………      ……………………                                
    2        …………………………………………………      ……………………                              
    3        …………………………………………………      ……………………  
    4  …………………………………………………      ……………………
    5  …………………………………………………      ……………………         



    日期         ……………………………    签名        …………………………………………

    举报 回复

    # 1506楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-08-31 11:04|

    مسابقه: نخستین سالانه بین المللی شیراوژن 比赛:第一届国际Shyravzhn
    آخرین مهلت: 1389-07-01 截止日期 :1389年7月1日
    موضوع: آزاد 主题:免费
    کشور: ایران 国家:伊朗

    گروه بین المللی کاریکاتور شیراوژن، با هدف پرورش و رشد کارتون ناب، و ترغیب هنرمندان کارتونیست به بودن در مسیر پرکاری و پشتکار، نخستین سالانه بین المللی خود را برگزار می کند.  مهم ترین ویژگی این مسابقه، انتخاب برندگان از طریق نظرسنجی توسط بازدیدکنندگان است.国际集团Shyravzhn漫画,在培育和纯漫画,漫画家增长的目标,并鼓励艺术家在方向和坚持多产,其首个年度国际将举行。这项比赛最重要的特点,选择通过游客调查获奖名单。 این مسابقه در دو بخش آثار ایرانی و بین الملل به طور جداگانه برگزار می شود.在两节伊朗与国际竞争力将分别举行。

    1.    نحوه شرکت 1。如何参与
    این مسابقه به صورت اینترنتی برگزار می شود و علاقمندان به شرکت می بایست آثار خود را از طریق بخش «تماس با ما» در سایت گروه شیراوژن ارسال کنند.这次比赛是在网上和你的公司感兴趣的部分工作,必须通过“联系我们”发送站点Shyravzhn组。 همراه با ارسال آثار، نام و نام خانوادگی هنرمند، نشانی پستی، ای میل و شماره تلفن همراه و ثابت حتما به عنوان توضیحات باید ضمیمه شود.随着作品,艺术家姓名,通讯地址,电子邮件和手机号码,并说明应该肯定不是被兼并。

    آثاری که از طرق دیگر ارتباطی برای شیراوژن ارسال شوند مورد قبول قرار نخواهند گرفت. 通信工程通过其他发送Shyravzhn不会被接受。

    2.    ویژگی آثار 2。特征

    حجم: حداکثر 500 کیلوبایت, رزولیشن:حداکثر 100dpi, اندازه: حداکثرA4, فرمت: RGB, JPG大小:500 KB的,Rzvlyshn:最大组100dpi,尺寸:最大至A4,格式:的RGB,JPG格式

    3. 3。 تعداد: نامحدود 编号:无限

    4.    موضوع: آزاد (آثار باید بدون شرح و دیالوگ باشند.) 4。主题:免费(作品必须是没有对话和说明。)

    5.    زمان ارسال آثار: از 10 مهر 1388 تا اول مهر 1389 5。提交的工作:从10到波斯日期1388年第一梅尔波斯日期梅尔1389

    6.    داوری 6。仲裁

    هر یک از آثار دریافت شده، بر اساس اولویت زمان دریافت، پس از انتخاب اولیه توسط شیراوژن، بلافاصله به عنوان کارتون روز در سایت گروه شیراوژن به مدت 24 ساعت به نمایش در می آید و سپس در قسمت آرشیو کارتون روز، قابل دسترسی خواهد بود.所收到的作品,就由Shyravzhn后立即卡通网站Shyravzhn天24小时的初步甄选收到的每一个都可以优先显示,然后在一天的部分漫画资料馆,将可。 از زمان شروع نمایش تا آخرین روز مهلت ارسال آثار، بازدیدکنندگان می توانند به هر یک از آثار امتیاز دهی کنند.从表演到最后一天的截止日期开始,游客们可以每个额定工作。 شایان ذکر است برای دادن امتیاز پس از ورود به بخش کارتون روز، در قسمت آرشیو، روی نام کارتونیست کلیک کنید، حال در پایین اثر امتیاز خود را به آن اثر بدهید.注意事项为日志卡通天,部分档案对漫画家的名字,点击后,在您的评分底部现在给它的效果。 بدیهی است آثاری که مدت زمان بیشتری در معرض داوری و نظردهی باشند شانس بالاتری برای جذب امتیاز خواهند داشت.显然,工程不再受仲裁,并欢迎有机会吸收较高的评分会。
    پس از اتمام آخرین مهلت، ده اثر که بالاترین میزان امتیاز کل را داشته باشند به عنوان آثار برنده مشخص خواهند شد.在截止日期之后,10点的最高总有一个会确定获奖作品。 در صورتی که از یک کارتونیست بیش از یک اثر در جمع ده اثر نهایی قرار گیرد آن اثر که امتیاز بیشتری دارد مورد نظر قرار خواهد گرفت و بقیه آثار ایشان کنار گذاشته خواهند شد.如果超过10集,将影响最终的效果是,更多的积分漫画家将考虑与他们的其余部分将被排除在外。 همچنین اگر در بین این آثار نهایی، اثری از اعضای گروه شیراوژن وجود داشته باشد نیز، از دور انتخاب کنار گذاشته خواهد شد.如果这个工程,以及中,乐队Shyravzhn还有,从远处预留最后跟踪将被选中。

    7.    جوایز 7。奖

    نفر اول: 6000000 (شش میلیون) ریال + تندیس شیراوژن + لوح تقدیر第一:6000000(6000000)真正Shyravzhn +片+雕像
    نفر دوم: 5000000 (پنج میلیون) ریال + تندیس شیراوژن + لوح تقدیر第二:5000000(5000000)真正Shyravzhn +片+雕像
    نفر سوم: 4000000 (چهار میلیون) ريال + تندیس شیراوژن + لوح تقدیر第三:4000000(400万)里亚尔Shyravzhn +片+雕像
    نفرات چهارم تا دهم: تندیس شیراوژن+ لوح تقدیر + هدایای شیراوژن第四至第十人员:像Shyravzhn +片+礼物Shyravzhn

    8.    توضیحات 8。描述

    در صورت داشتن سوال و یا دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر می توانید به info@shirozhan.com ای میل بزنید.如果您有任何疑问或更多资料,可致电info@shirozhan.com电子邮件。

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    # 1507楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-01 09:50|


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    # 1508楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-01 09:51|

    The Second International Digital Media Cartoon 第二届国际数字媒体动画
    (By Email) Contest-2010 (电子邮件)竞赛- 2010

    Rules: 规则:
    We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists regardless 我们向所有专业和业余漫画家无论
    their age from all over the world. 他们的年龄从世界各地。

    Themes: a-Cyber Spaces such as: 主题:1,网络空间,如:
    Internet, Digital Media, Mobile, Bluetooth , 互联网,数字媒体,手机,蓝牙,
    Information Networks ,SMS (Short Message Service) 信息网络,SMS(短消息服务)
    MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) MMS(多媒体信息服务)
    Multimedia Software,Digital Arts, 多媒体软件,数字艺术,
    Family effect on right using of digital media 家庭对媒体使用权的数字

    Regulations: 规定:
    -The number of sent cartoons is 5. ,这些漫画发送数量为5。
    -Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your ,请附上英寸doc格式简要介绍您的
    artistic activity (surname and first name, address, 艺术活动(姓氏及名字,地址,
    e-mail address, a photo and your CV) 电子邮件地址,照片和简历)
    -All participants that their works enter in exhibition will receive the catalogue of the contest. ,所有与会者都认为自己的作品展览将获得进入目录的比赛。
    -Sent works should be in 200dpi with 1500 pixel width or length ,发送的作品,应在200dpi与1500像素宽度或长度
    and jpg format. 和JPG格式。
    -Sent works should not be published or won in a contest before. ,发送的作品应该不会被发表或之前赢了比赛。

    prizes : 奖品:
    - First Prize: $2000, Honorable Mention and Trophy. -首奖:2000元,荣誉奖和奖杯。
    -Second Prize: $ 1500, Honorable Mention and Trophy. ,二等奖:1500元,荣誉奖和奖杯。
    -Third Prize: $ 1000, Honorable Mention and Trophy. 三届奖:1000元,荣誉奖和奖杯。
    -10 Honorable Mentions -10优异奖

    The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: 这些漫画必须发送电子邮件地址:
    info@irancartoon.com info@irancartoon.com

    The cartoons will be published in the web pages: 这些漫画将刊登在该网页:
    www.irancartoon.com www.irancartoon.com
    www.irancartoon.ir www.irancartoon.ir

    Deadline: 截止日期:
    September 27,2010 9月27,2010

    Thank you for participation 谢谢您的参与

    Iranian House of Cartoon: 伊朗众议院卡通:
    Tel: (+98 21) 22868600-22867080 电话:(+98 21)22868600-22867080
    Fax: (+98 21)22846928 传真:(+98 21)22846928

    举报 回复

    # 1509楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-02 16:15|


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    # 1510楼

  • 见得太多发表于2010-09-02 17:39|


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    # 1511楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-03 21:06|


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    # 1512楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-03 21:45|

    区域选择漫画罗马涅  Clicca sull'immagine per scaricare il bando 图片点击下载公告 Quarta edizione della selezione per giovani disegnatori dell'Emilia Romagna legata al Festival Komikazen.第四版的选择关系到罗马涅节Komikazen年轻艺术家。
    In palio la pubblicazione di un libro a fumetti a cura della casa editrice Comma 22: nella scorsa edizione, oltre al progetto trasformato in libro sono stati selezionati 12 autori.股份的一幅漫画书的出版由发布第22条:最后的版本,除了把书打开12个项目入选作家。 Difatti, oltre alla produzione di un libro, ci sarà una mostra che ospiterà i lavori inviati più interessanti,事实上,除了生产一书,我们将举办一个展览,发出了最有趣的工作,
    nello spazio espositivo di via D'Azeglio 2 a Ravenna.展览空间,通过德阿泽利奥2至拉文纳。

    L'inaugurazione è prevista per il l'8 ottobre 2010.就职典礼定于2010年10月8日。

    1. 1。 Oggetto e finalità della selezione 选拔对象和目的的
    La selezione ha lo scopo di individuare i migliori talenti presenti in Regione nell'ambito del fumetto, realizzare una mostra e la pubblicazione di un libro a fumetti del vincitore del concorso. La selezione è curata da Associazione Mirada in collaborazione con il Comune di Ravenna: i partecipanti dovranno lavorare su un tema specifico su cui dovranno sviluppare un soggetto e inviare 4 tavole a fumetti (ovvero le prime tavole della storia, che, se premiata, potrà trasformarsi in libro).甄选的目的是查明在该气球在本地区最优秀的人才,创造展览和比赛出版的一本漫画书冠军。米拉达的选择是由Associazione策划与合作,在拉文纳市与会者将讨论的具体问题上,一人将开发板和发送4漫画 (或成为书中的第一粒的历史,如果授予,意志)。

    Il tema del concorso è il “raccontare la realtà a fumetti”. 这次比赛的主题是“说在漫画的现实。” Si possono raccontare microstorie o storie di cronaca, l'elemento importante ai fini del concorso è che ci sia comunque uno sfondo di realtà. 你可以告诉的故事微型或纪录,在竞争的重要因素是,仍然有现实背景。 La storia raccontata può essere contemporanea o ambientata nel passato. 这个故事可能是当代或过去设置在。
    La tecnica è libera. 该技术是免费的。
    Il soggetto potrà essere più ampio della sceneggiatura effettivamente inviata: ovvero le 4 tavole inviate possono essere parte di una storia più lunga. 这个主题可能会被发送大于实际的脚本:发送该四个表可以成为历史的一部分较长。 Difatti i vincitori vedranno la propria storia pubblicata in una edizione apposita. 事实上,得奖者将看到他们的故事在一版刊登特殊。 Ciascuna storia non potrà superare nella versione definitiva le 40 pagine. 每个故事不得超过40页的最后版本。

    La stampa è prevista in b/n.新闻界预计万桶/ Il soggetto è la narrazione sintetica della storia che sarà sviluppata nella sceneggiatura: nel soggetto va indicato anche come la storia sarà raccontata.这个主题就是将要在脚本开发的历史叙事摘要:这个问题也被称为故事会被告知。

    2. 2。 Partecipazione al concorso 参与竞争
    Possono partecipare tutti i giovani nati dopo il 1 gennaio 1975, che vivono, lavorano o studiano nella Regione Emilia Romagna.开放给所有年轻人之后1975年1月1日出生,谁居住,工作或罗马涅研究。 Possono partecipare anche coloro che hanno studiato in Regione, ma non sono più residenti.也可参加那些谁也研究了各地区,但不再居民。

    3. 3。 Caratteristiche del materiale ed elaborati richiesti 特征所要求的材料和加工
    I candidati dovranno presentare:申请者必须提交:
    - la scheda di iscrizione in allegato compilata in ogni sua parte - 填妥报名表格所附的全部
    - il soggetto e 4 tavole originali del fumetto - 原漫画和4台主题
    - un curriculum vitae - 个人简历
    - fotocopia del documento di identità - 身份的文件影本
    - fotocopie o materiale a stampa di eventuali altre pubblicazioni potranno essere allegate, ma non sono obbligatori. - 影印本或任何其他印刷品出版物可以附加,但并不是必需的。

    4. 4。 Termini e modalità di partecipazione 参与条款和条件
    I candidati dovranno presentare o spedire i materiali indicati alla sede di Associazione Mirada (via Mazzini 83 – 48100 Ravenna): nel caso di presentazione a mano si prega di verificare l'orario di apertura.申请人必须递交或邮寄协会米拉达的材料中指定(通过马莉齐尼83-48100拉文纳):在提交案件的手,请检查开放时间。 Oppure presso l'Ufficio GAI della propria città, entro e non oltre le ore 13 di sabato 4或在12:43的城市办事处,不得迟于13日4小时
    settembre 2010. 2010年9月。 In caso di spedizione fa fede il timbro postale.如果装运邮戳。

    5. 5。 Selezioni选择
    Un'apposita commissione, alla quale parteciperà anche l'editore della pubblicazione oltre ad esperti di settore, selezionerà tra i candidati, gli autori ritenuti pi originali e qualitativamente validi per:一个委员会,也参加了该刊物的主编以及行业专家,将选择的候选人中,作者认为,高品质原为最:
    - partecipare all'esposizione regionale che inaugurerà l'8 ottobre 2010 presso la sede espositiva dell'Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili (categoria selezionati e vincitori). - 参加)在区域曝光将推出至2010年10月8日在在相同的青年政策(某些类别和获奖者展览。 L'esposizione sarà contestuale al Festival internazionale del fumetto di realtà “Komikazen”, giunto alla sua quinta edizione.该展览将同时在发生的现实国际艺术节漫画“Komikazen,现在进入第五个版本。 Gli autori selezionati potranno partecipare gratuitamente ai workshop tenuti dagli autori ospiti del festival获选作者将参加电影节的嘉宾的作者举行免费工作坊
    - pubblicare la propria opera completa in un libro distribuito da un editore nazionale in librerie di varia e fumetto (categoria vincitori). - 要出版由各个国家图书馆和漫画(类名)一书的出版商发行的完整作品。 Si terrà conto della qualità artistica del lavoro, dell'originalità della storia, delle capacità giornalistiche del racconto/soggetto.这将需要考虑工作质量的艺术,故事的原创性,技巧新闻故事/主题。 La partecipazione può essere individuale oppure di gruppo (esempio uno sceneggiatore + un disegnatore).参与可能是个人或团体(作为一个编剧一个艺术家+)。
    Il giudizio della commissione è insindacabile.评审团的决定是最终决定。 A tutti i candidati sarà comunicato tramite lettera l'esito della selezione e sarà trasmesso l'invito all'esposizione.所有申请者将会收到通知信及甄选结果将被发送邀请暴露。

    6. 6。 Premi 奖项
    Gli autori selezionati avranno la possibilità di mostrare ad un vasto pubblico il proprio lavoro attraverso l'esposizione in mostra delle proprie opere.获选作者将能够通过他们在展示他们的作品展览工作提高到一个广泛的公众接触。 Inoltre potranno partecipare direttamente ad un evento internazionale di fumetto, quale “Komikazen”, e conoscere da vicino autori di fama internazionale ed editori.也可以直接参与国际活动的出版商和漫画为“Komikazen”,并接近国际知名的作家。 I vincitori inoltre saranno premiati con la pubblicazione dell'intera storia selezionata, a cui sarà abbinato anche un testo di presentazione critica.获奖者也将得到回报与文本出版的故事整个选中,将被合并的一个重要演讲。
    I selezionati ei vincitori potranno inoltre partecipare a titolo gratuito ai workshop del festival internazionale del fumetto di realtà “Komikazen” (si ricorda che in passato sono stati tenuti da autori quali Joe Sacco, Marjane Satrapi, Aleksandar Zograf, Peter Kuper…)获奖者的选择和参加艺术节也将免费对现实的国际研讨会在漫画“Komikazen”(请注意,在过去已提交举行萨科如乔,玛嘉莎塔碧,亚历山大佐格拉夫彼得库珀...)

    7. 7。 Responsabilità 责任
    I candidati si fanno garanti dell'originalità della propria opera e, partecipando all'iniziativa, accettano implicitamente le norme del presente bando e autorizzano il GAER e Associazione Mirada al trattamento dei loro dati personali ai sensi del D.考生应保证其原创性的工作,并参与,含蓄地接受本合同的规则,并授权该协会米拉达盖尔和四处理根据他们的个人资料 lgs 196/2003. 196/2003号法令。
    Scarica il comunicato in PDF 下载新闻稿PDF格式
    6th International Reality Comic Festival
    Gathering of Authors, workshops and performances from 8th to 10th October
    Exhibitions until 7th November 2010
    Ravenna – Various venues


    The sixth edition of the Komikazen International Reality Comic Festival following tradition presents major previews from internationally accredited authors until now unpublished in Italy, together with the big names of the world of comics who are well-known to the Italian public.

    Created with the aim of researching and investigating the relationships between the presentation of reality and graphic literature, Komikazen does not disappoint enthusiasts of the ninth art thirsting for something new and for meaningful face-to-face meetings with the authors. In addition to being occasions for reflecting and gaining deeper insights, there will also be exhibitions of high quality art and workshops with guest authors both for the curious and for professionals.

    In the setting of MAR – the city’s Museum of Art – there will be an exhibition with originals from the talented young Frenchman Maximilien Le Roy: just 24 years old, he has already published six volumes, among them the major work dedicated to Nietzsche on the text by the philosopher Michel Onfray. He is also an expert in comic journalism and works with the photographer Maxence Emery, who collaborated with him on the important trilogy on the Israeli – Palestinian conflict (Faire le Mur, Gaza and Hosni). In particular the collective work entitled Gaza, December 2008: uscito per La Boîte à Bulles will be presented to the public. It is a book that uses comic strip, graphical art and political analysis to tell the story of the operation Cast Lead in real time, but also to present the conflict in a new form.
    From Spain there will be Pablo Auladell, illustrator of a comic script by Felipe H. Cava, of Soy mi sueño, nomination of the best illustrator award at the Salon de Comic of Barcelona in 2009 and set in the Second World War. It is a work that achieves the poetic level of a metaphor for the rise and fall of a Europe that was staring into the abyss. A master illustrator who visualises with oneiric precision the text of the Spanish scriptwriter already a guest at the first edition of the festival who, with his usual mastery, pits himself against the difficult theme of the recovery of memory. Auladell’s illustrated book Isis, was published in Italy by Orecchio Acerbo.
    Instead, guest of honour at the exhibition of the Teatro Rasi is the Italian drawer Igort, who will present for the first time in Italy the storyboard of his new book Quaderni ucraini. Memorie dal tempo dell'URSS, published in Italy by Mondadori.
    There will also be an important meeting with an artist who goes beyond the realms of the comic, that is Apostolos Doxiadis, author of the best seller Lo zio Petros e la congettura di Goldbach, but who created the screenplay of Logicomix, another publishing success recently released also in Italy by Guanda.
    But Komikazen is a centre, not merely of knowledge, of deeper insights and reflections, but also of production: the participants are young designers from Emilia Romagna, from among whom Komikazen will make its selection with the prize of the publication of a book. For the fourth year a winner will be chosen, giving a designer under 35 the opportunity to produce a book to be published by Comma 22. There will also be the presentation of the volume of the 2009 winner, Pietro Scarnera, that deals with an autobiographical matter of a highly delicate ethical nature, that is his perception of his father's life in a vegetative state from 2003 to 2008. From notebooks full of drawings and sketches produced during those years, he has created a delicate and tormenting volume.  After the polemics surrounding the case of Eluana Englaro, the author decided not to remain silent and to tell the story of his own experience.
    Scarnera's originals can be seen at Mirada's stand.

    In addition to the workshops and the meetings, Komikazen coincides with the city's golden night and so the evening of Saturday 9th offers the possibility of enjoying the city until dawn.

    Some information about the festival.

    Mirada has organised extensive exhibitions and workshops with comic-strip writers such as Joe Sacco, Marjane Satrapi, Aleksandar Zograf, Danijel Zezelj, and many others. It has organised the Komikazen International Reality Comic Festival each year since 2005.
    The need to 'tell it as it is' is becoming urgent in an era in which it is becoming ever more difficult to understand whether or not what we are being told is reliable and truthful.
    In the world of comics, characterised through antonomasia by the patina of careless people, an imaginative source of the fantastic and absolutely unreal, the trend of real story telling is, when all is said and done, fairly old (obviously in the meaning that this adjective can have when we are speaking of this medium). The autobiographical, memoir oriented, historic and news reporting tendency has always been present and has always been ingrained in many of the grand masters of sequential art.

    Komikazen is the promoter of the European and Mediterranean circuit of comic art and research of which are a part:  Periscopages Association _ Rennes (France) , Babel – Atene (Greece),
    Comica – London (UK), Chili cum Carne - Lisbon (Portugal), Boom Festival – St. Petersburg (Russia) and La Maison du Livre – Beirut (Lebanon)

    The following have been guests of Komikazen: Raul, Felipe H. Cava, Khamel Khelif, Tomaz Lavric, Nicole Schulman, Phebe Gloeckner,  the Turkish comic writers of the magazine Le Man, Stripburger, Filipe Abranches, Marcos Farrajota, Le Dernier Cri, Ho Che Anderson, Stefano Ricci, Samir Harb, Federico Del Barrio, Nadim Tarazi with the Lebanese comic writers, Anke Feuchtenberger, Giuseppe Palumbo, Vittorio Giardino, Paolo Bacilieri, Dave McKean, Davide Toffolo, Carlos Trillo and Peter Kuper.

    For information:

    Associazione Mirada
    Via Mazzini 83 Ravenna
    Tel +39 0544 217359
    Mob: +39 3280709837

    举报 回复

    # 1513楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-05 17:16|

    霍尔10缅因州的幽默,“圣克拉拉2010 » -古巴
    主题:   免费
    - 第25的最大大小应为35厘米。
    最后截止日期:    1389年12月9日
    地址簿:Casadei la UNEAC, Maximo Gomez.  107, Entre Rios Julio José Martí Ÿ jover, Santa Clara, Bjarne Clara, Cuba  古巴

    举报 回复

    # 1514楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-06 09:05|

    Naji al Ali and Handala are two symbols of the Palestinian national resistance who never yielded to the occupiers since decades.纳吉人阿里和Handala是两名巴勒斯坦民族抵抗谁从来没有屈服,因为几十年占领者的符号。 The palestinian cartoonist Naji al Ali, who had shelted to a refugee camp in Lebanon after the 1948 occupation when he was 10 years old and who has been assasinated by Israeli agents in London in 1987 has left a child to all of the peoples of the world; it is Handala, a child who will always be 10 years old.巴勒斯坦漫画家纳吉人阿里,谁曾shelted向在黎巴嫩难民营后,1948年占领的时候,他是10岁,谁在伦敦被以色列特工暗杀于1987年留下了孩子对世界各国人民都,这是Handala,一个孩子谁永远是10岁。 Under nearly 40 thousand cartoons who narrate Palestine, appears Handala as he has turned us his back.根据近40000漫画谁讲述巴勒斯坦,因为他似乎Handala他的背部转向我们。 He is offended to everybody who do not hear the voice of a people of which the country and right to life is stolen; and it is only after the liberation of Palestine that he will turn his face again.他对每个人得罪谁不听,其中的一个国家,生命权是被盗的人的声音,这是只有在巴勒斯坦的解放,他将再次把他的脸。
    We started to work to commemorate the memory of Naji al Ali, who dedicated his life of 50 years to the stuggle to free his country, and he did it mainly by his cartoons.我们开始工作,以纪念纳吉人阿里,谁奉献了50年生命的stuggle释放他的国家的记忆,他确实主要是由他的漫画了。 We know well that the zionist occupiers have even fear of the designs.我们清楚地知道犹太复国主义占领者甚至恐惧的设计。 Let them have fear!让他们有恐惧! We shall continue to design Palestine.我们将继续设计巴勒斯坦。
    Not only the Palestine who fights, but also the Palestine who breathes...不仅巴勒斯坦谁打架,而且巴勒斯坦谁呼吸...
    We're calling everyone who want to support this heritage as well as to support this struggle, to participate to the 2010 International Cartoon Contest “Naji al Ali” on Palestine and to make heard the sound of Naji al Ali, Handala and Palestine.我们呼吁大家要支持谁这一遗产,以及支持这一斗争,参加关于巴勒斯坦问题的2010年国际漫画大赛“纳吉基地阿里”,并作出听到纳吉人阿里,Handala和巴勒斯坦的声音。

    About the contest大赛介绍
    This contest is being organized by Assocation for Solidarity with Palestinian People (Turkey) and HOMUR Humor and Cartoon Group.这次比赛是正在举办的声援巴勒斯坦人民(土耳其)和侯穆尔幽默和漫画组,由协会。

    Conditions of participation参与条件
    * The works must reach the organizing association not later than 22nd of November 2010, Monday. *工程必须达到协会的组织不得迟于2010年11月22日,星期一。 Also the participants using the way of postal, should arrange the last day of sending as 22nd November of 2010, Monday.与会者还利用邮政方式,应安排为2010年11月22日,星期一发送的最后一天。 Nevertheless, all of the works which will arrive before the gathering of the Selective Committee will be assessed.然而,上述工程将到达之前,收集所有的选择性委员会将评估。 The organizing association will not be responsible of the postal delays.该协会将组织不属于邮政延误负责。
    * The submitted works must be original. *参赛作品必须是原创。 In case of submitting the works with the print out of the cartoons, it is a necessary that the cartoonists put their original signatures on their works.   * The standard size for the dimension of the works must be A4 (21x29,7 cm) or A3 (29,7 x42 cm).在提交的打印出的漫画作品,它是一个必要的漫画家的作品放在原来的签名。*用于该工程的标准尺寸大小必须的A4(21x29,7厘米)或A3 (29,7 x42厘米)。 The works sent by internet must be  high resolution file(300dpi required).  * The cartoonists are free to participate with already published works as long as these works have not previously been awarded in any other contest.通过互联网发送文件,必须高分辨率(300dpi或需要)的作品。*的漫画家可自由参加与已经发表的作品,只要这些作品以前没有在任何其他比赛获奖。 The maximum number of works for each cartoonist to participate the contest is 3.  * The Contest is open to  cartoonists from all over the world.该工程的最大数量为每个漫画家参加比赛是3。*本竞赛开放给漫画家从世界各地。 Also "Handala 'Stone General' Special Prize" will be given to two cartoonists who are  between 10-13 and 14-17 years old.  * The adress for the cartoonists preferring to use post offices to participate the contest is: Filistin Halkıyla Dayanışma Derneği, Hüseyin Ağa Mah.还“Handala'石将军的特别奖”将获得两个漫画家10-13和14-17之间谁岁。*对于喜欢使用的邮局参加比赛的漫画家地址是:在Dayanisma德尔内伊Filistin Halkıyla ,侯赛因阿迦麻将。 Dudu Odalar Sok.嘟嘟Odalar索。 No:10 Kat:3 Beyoğlu/İSTANBUL/TÜRKİYE编号:10吉:3贝伊奥卢/伊斯坦布尔/土耳其报
    E-mail adress for the online participation is: hanzalakarikatur@gmail.com (For more information: homur.blogspot.com; bizimhanzala.blogspot.com; for communication: hanzalailetisim@gmail.com )电子邮箱为参与网上的地址: Hanzalakarikatur@Gmail.com (有关详细信息:Homur.blogspot.com; Bizimhanzala.blogspot.com;通讯: Hanzalailetisim@Gmail.com )
    * Organizers are not responsible for damage caused during transportation by post. *主办单位是不是在运输过程中造成的损害负责邮寄。 Name, surname, birth date, postal adress, phone number and e-mail adress should be written on the reverse side of each cartoon.姓名,出生日期,邮寄地址,电话号码和e - mail地址应写在每个卡通反面。
    * Participants should send their works with participation forms which can be found in annex after filling it completely and signing it. *参加者须参与发送附件,可在填写完全后发现它的形式和签署他们的作品。 The participants who send their works via internet must also send their signed participation form to the adress mentioned above.与会者通过互联网发送谁他们的作品也必须送他们的参与形式签署上述地址。
    * Participants who filled the participation form are assumed that they transfer all the rights on the cartoons defined by Turkish laws to the Association for Solidarity with Palestinian People  and that the mentioned association has the right to exibit, keep them in its archive and broadcast works on the internet. *参赛者谁填补了参与的形式被假定他们转让的法律定义土耳其与巴勒斯坦人民的团结协会的漫画的所有权利,上述协会有权exibit,保留其档案和广播在他们的作品互联网。 Moreover they also accept that HOMUR Humor and Cartoon Group can use all the works without any restrictions此外,他们也承认,侯穆尔幽默与卡通集团可以使用,不受任何限制的所有作品

    * At the end of the contest, a BIG PRIZE OF NAJI AL-ALI will be given to one of the works. *在比赛,一个纳吉铝阿里大奖最终将获得的作品之一。 In addition to this, there will be four equivalent ACHIEVEMENT PRIZES.除了这一点,将有4等效成果奖。 These are:  -HANDALA LAND PRIZE -HANDALA FREEDOM PRIZE -HANDALA HUMAN RIGHTS PRIZE -HANDALA INTIFADA PRIZE  Also,two of the cartoonists between 10-13 and 14-17 years old will be awarded with "HANDALA 'STONE GENERAL PRIZE".它们是:- HANDALA土地颁奖HANDALA自由奖,HANDALA人权奖,和平奖也HANDALA起义,10-13和14-17之间岁的漫画家,两人将与“HANDALA'石材一般奖”获奖。
    In addition to the  special prizes given by Association for Solidarity with Palestinian People and HOMUR Humor and Cartoon Group, there will also be awards from some different institutions.除了给予声援巴勒斯坦人民通过协会和侯穆尔幽默与漫画组的特别奖,也会有一些不同的机构奖项。

    The Selective Committee and the announcement of the results委员会的选择性和结果的公告
    * Selective Committee(Jury) for the contest will be announced later. *选择性委员会(陪审团)的比赛将于稍后公布。
    * Selective Committee will be gathered at 27th of November 2010, Saturday.  * The results of the contest will be announced at 28th of November 2010, Sunday. *选择性委员会将收集在2010年11月27日,星期六。*这一比赛的结果将公布在2010年11月28日,星期日。
    * Prize Ceremony will be held on 11th December of 2010, Saturday in Istanbul. *颁奖典礼将于2010年12月11日,星期六在伊斯坦布尔。 The ceremony is open for everyone, and the winners of “big prize”, “achievement prizes” and the “Handala 'stone general' prizes” may able to participate the ceremony, as 3 days-accomodation will be supplied by Association for Solidarity with Palestinian People.仪式是为每个人开放,和“大奖”,“成就奖”和“Handala'石头将军奖”可能无法参加仪式为3天,accomodation,获奖者将提供由协会声援巴勒斯坦人民。

    After the contest赛后
    * One album of cartoons those determined by the jury will be sent to cartoonists. *一个漫画由陪审团决定的专辑将被发送到漫画家。 Besides, a circulating exhibition will be organized from the participant workings.此外,将举办展览循环从参与者的运作。 Foremost, this exhibition will travel to cities of Turkey, like İstanbul, İzmir, Eskişehir, Adana, Zonguldak, Antalya.最重要的,这个展览将前往土耳其的城市,如伊斯坦布尔,伊兹密尔,厄斯克谢伊尔,阿达纳,宗古尔达克,安塔利亚。 Then,it will be exhibited both some cities and centers of the world and  Middle Eastern Countries.然后,它都将展示一些城市和世界和中东国家的中心。 After the contest,exchange of information with the participants will also continue and the participants will be informed about the exhibitions .  * The works will not be returned.比赛结束后,与参加者的信息交流也将继续和参加展览,将有关通知。*工程将不予退还。 After the exhibition, they will be kept in Museum Of Cartoon and Humor, under the responsibility of Association of Cartoonists(Turkey).展览完毕后,他们将被保存在博物馆对漫画幽默下,漫画家协会(土耳其)的职责。
    * The only professional organization of the cartoonists in Turkey, Association Of Cartoonists supports the contest. *只有在土耳其的漫画家,漫画家协会的专业组织支持比赛。



    Name:………………………………………名称:... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    Surname:……………………………………姓:... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    Adress:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..地址:... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

    Country:………………………….................国家:... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .................

    Telephone Number:…………………………电话号码:... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    E-mail Adres:……………………………….. E - mail地址:... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

    Birth Date:…………………………………….出生日期:... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

    ShortBiography:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ShortBiography:... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    Name and Surname姓名


    举报 回复

    # 1515楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-08 15:24|


    举报 回复

    # 1516楼

  • zzzzzz发表于2010-09-08 23:18|


    举报 回复

    # 1517楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-09 09:51|




    举报 回复

    # 1518楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-09 09:58|




    金 奖 - 夏大川(中国)
    银 奖 - 德尔庞(意大利)
    铜 奖 - 吉泰特(印度尼西亚)
    红人奖 - 卡赞尼夫斯基(乌克兰)
    荣誉奖 - 卡拉基(伊朗)
    荣誉奖 - 鲁曼(保加利亚)
    荣誉奖 - 科索布金(乌克兰)
    荣誉奖 - 巴·毕力格(中国)
    荣誉奖 - 柴奉(泰国)


    大 奖 - 元远(中国)
    金 奖 - 萨拉姆(伊朗)
    银 奖 - 柴奉(泰国)
    铜 奖 - 玛玛塔库拉维(乌兹别克斯坦)
    荣誉奖 - 李正国(中国)
    荣誉奖 - 王勇(中国)
    荣誉奖 - 袁献军(中国)

    最佳视觉效果奖 - 朱自尊(中国)
    最佳画技奖 - 郭冶(中国)

    举报 回复

    # 1519楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-10 10:21|


    经合组织葡萄牙(漫画家协会)和大赦国际 - (葡萄牙),是共同举办的一个卡通,国际展览,其主题和标题是:“尊严”。

    这是这项倡议的意图,呼吁在价值观,我们已经看到,在哪里?拥有一个危机的社会关注? 被高估作为打击的“存在”的破坏。




    1 - 主题:“尊严”。 每位艺术家可以自由地接近尊严的概念(或者说缺乏?。),同时考虑到这样一个概念,有积极的一面。

    2 - 展览是开放给各族,专业人士或业余爱好者。

    3 - 所有建议必须是原创作品图纸每奥图尔,一个事实,即他们可能已经无关(或不)公布或以任何方式展出。

    4 - 只有一个艺术家的工作是每允许在下列之一:漫画,漫画和图形的故事(最后一,不超过1页)。 任何技术是允许的,包括计算机的使用,在黑色和白色或彩色。

    5 - 如果一个图形具有文本,这个文本必须用葡萄牙语写的。

    6 - 绘图允许为A4大小(在21 X 29.7厘米)。 图纸必须发送电子邮件使用在300 dpi的JPEG文件是:

    7 - 每一件作品必须附有一个包含文件:该作品标题,作者?姓名,电话号码,电子邮件地址,(不要忘记提及该国)。

    8 - 短期课程必须包括在另一台计算机上的文件。

    9 - 进入死线是9月30日 - 2010年。

    10 - 图纸将选择由陪审团由5个元素组成,在这之后的作品将在这个框架,并展示在一个目录复制。 陪审团有权有权选择若干作品外目录,这也将展出,其作者也将在目录中提到的。 陪审团组成由FECOPORTUGAL,一大赦国际,一客漫画家,漫画家之一,研究人员和专家代表代表一个文字。

    11 - 每个谁已被选为艺术家将获得一个目录的副本

    12 - 该展览将在宣誓就职?身兼艺术?斯蒂卡吉列尔梅科苏尔,鲁阿教授索萨ç?马拉,注?156?  (里斯本 - 葡萄牙)10月21日-2010。 展览将留在地方约两个星期后,它会通过在一个葡萄牙和其他国家巡回

    13 - 艺术家的参与意味着接受上述规则和各自的作者的权利提出,只有将用于促进和了解的一件大事,也是该目录版本和行程展览。 由于在这些程序涉及没有利润,不付款将作出的任何参与者。

    14 - 没有媒体或其他实体将被授权出版或其他任何用途使用,施工与此事件提交的第13条的例外,任何。

    举报 回复

    # 1520楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-12 09:50|


    举报 回复

    # 1521楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-12 09:53|

    1 - THE GENERAL CONCEPT 1 -基本的概念
    This is a contest of photographs and humorous drawings of free registration sponsored by Sodibike Comércio de Artigos Esportivos Ltda, BLITZ brand holder, and running at www.whybiking.com, starting in  September, 2010, and scheduled to end on November 06th, 2010. 这是2010年9月比赛的照片,并开始在,幽默的图纸免费注册赞助Sodibike商报Artigos Esportivos Ltda公司的品牌,突击持有人在www.whybiking.com和运行,并将于年底对2010年11月6日。

    This is a competition that is exclusively cultural-artistic, not having any kind of luck or payment by competitors, it is therefore not necessary to acquire any product or service in accordance with Article 3, subsection II, of Brazilian Law No. 这是一个完全竞争,是文化艺术,没有竞争对手的运气或缴付任何形式的,因此没有必要拥有任何产品或服务依法号第三条第二,巴西 5768/71. 71分之5768。

    In this contest, competitors should submit photographs and humorous drawings of their own which represent the theme "SHOW ME A REASON TO BIKE". 在本次比赛,选手应提交的照片和幽默画自己的代表,主题是“让我看看理由自行车”。 Each candidate can compete with up to 2 (two) photographs and 2 (two) humorous drawings. 每名候选人竞争可以高达2(2)照片和2(2)幽默的图画。 Registration and submission of works will be made at www.whybiking.com during the registration period. 报名和作品提交将在www.whybiking.com注册期间。 Voting will take place on the Why Biking site during the voting period. 投票期间将自行车放在了网站,为什么在表决。 The most voted work in each category (Photography and Humorous Drawings) will be awarded. 的幽默画)大多数投票工作在每个类别(摄影,将给予奖励。


    The SHOW ME A REASON TO BIKE competition proposes that the Internet users show, through humorous drawings and photos, reasons to adopt the bicycle as a means of transportation. 执行SHOW我一个理由骑自行车比赛建议互联网用户显示交通,通过幽默的图画和照片,原因采用了自行车作为一种手段。 The idea is to create a place for people to post their pro-bike arguments in a creative and humorous way and thus stimulate reflection on the subject. 这个想法是建立一个人民实行了以发布他们的创意和幽默的方式亲自行车的论点,从而刺激思考的课题。

    The tools used are digital photographs and humorous drawings that include cartoons and comic strips on the subject SHOW ME A REASON TO BIKE. 这些工具使用的数码照片和骑自行车幽默画,其中包括展示ME的漫画和漫画的主题有原因的。

    3 - THE CANDIDATES 3 -候选人
    a) The competition is open to graphic artists and photographers in general, amateur or professional, a Brazilian citizen or foreign. 1)竞争是开放的图形艺术家和摄影师的一般,业余或专业,巴西公民或外国。
    b) The candidate affirm that are either more than 18 years of age, or an emancipated minor, or possess legal parental or guardian consent, and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Rules, and to abide by and comply with these Rules. 二)候选人肯定不是超过18岁,或一翻身未成年人,或拥有合法父母或监护人同意,并完全可以并有能力进入的条款,条件,义务,誓词,陈述和保证在本规则规定,并遵守和履行本规则。
    c) Each candidate may submit up to 2 (two) pieces of works in the Photography category and 2 (two) pieces of works in the Humorous Drawing category. c)每个候选人可提交最多2作品在摄影类(2)条和第2(2)作品中的幽默件绘画类别。 The Cartoons and Comic Strips compete with each other in the category of Humorous Drawing. 卡通和漫画的相互竞争绘图其他类别的幽默。
    d) The candidate ensures the originality of the content used and is fully responsible for obtaining the image rights of third parties and/or private properties which may appear on photo (s) sent. 四)确保所使用的候选内容的原创性和完全负责发送(第)获得肖像权的第三方和/或私人物业,可能会出现在照片。
    e) The competitor, when signing this contract, is aware that he/she is solely responsible for the accuracy of data and authorship of the works presented, responding civilly and criminally if proven, during or after the contest, the falsity of the data or authoring of works submitted. 五)竞争对手,在签署这份合同,是知道他/她是唯一的工程负责数据的准确性和著作介绍,民事和刑事责任响应如果证明比赛,期间或之后,或虚假的数据提交作品的创作。

    4 - REGISTRATION 4 -注册
    a) The entry shall be made exclusively at  www.whybiking.com and will be made by filling up the REGISTER FORM (reporting mandatory data including full name,  e-mail, date of birth, nationality, city and country) and by making the upload of up to two photos and two humorous drawings of his/her own related to the theme "SHOW ME A REASON TO BIKE." 1)入职一律必须在www.whybiking.com,也将是由填补了登记表(报告强制性资料包括姓名,电子邮件,出生日期,国籍,城市和国家)和决策上传最多的两张照片和图纸两个幽默他/她自己有关的主题是“展示我一个理由骑自行车。”
    b) Will not be accepted more than 1 (one) registration form per candidate. b)不会接受超过1(1)每个候选人登记表。
    c) All entries will undergo preliminary examination conducted by the Organizing Committee of the competition before being displayed on the contest galleries to testify that the works comply with this regulation. 三)所有参赛作品将经过初步审查之前进行比赛的组织委员会上显示的比赛画廊作证说,工程符合本条的规定。 Approval of entries will be given by publication of the work in the contest gallery. 参赛作品将获得批准通过画廊出版工作中的竞赛。 The works that have not been approved for being in violation of these Rules will be disqualified and will not be included on the gallery of the competition. 该规则还没有这些工程被批准为被违反将被取消,不会有竞争,包括在旁听席上。
    d) The registration constitutes the acceptance of this policy, in all its terms, and the acceptance of the final outcome of the competition and of the allocation and use of humorous drawings and photographs. 四)登记构成政策接受这一点,在其所有条款,验收的照片和图纸的最后成果的竞争和幽默的分配和使用。
    e) All registration data reported by competitors will be used solely for identification and location, in case of the competitor be contemplated. e)所有登记资料报告的竞争对手将仅用于识别和定位,在竞争案件的被考虑。
    f) The organization is not responsible for registration not received or for any injury on the participation of candidates due to technical computer congestion, failures of communication lines as well as any other factor which prevent the success of sending and voting on the website. 六)组织是不负责接收登记或不伤害任何拥塞电脑参与候选人因技术,通讯线路故障以及任何其他因素,防止网站成功发送并表决。

    5 - THE PIECES OF WORKS 5 -件作品的
    a) The drawings and photos must be submitted in maximum size of 400 pixels (width) x 500 pixels (height), JPEG and maximum weight of 5Mb. 1)在图纸和照片,必须提交的最大尺寸为400像素(宽)× 500像素(高),JPEG和最大5MB的重量。 The photos must be digital. 这些照片必须是数字。
    b) All entries must contain a title and in the case of humorous drawings may include texts. b)所有参赛作品必须包含一个标题和图纸案件幽默可能包括文本。 It is mandatory that the titles and texts are in English but it may contain a word or expressions in another languages. 它是强制性的标题和文字都是英文的,但它可能包含另一语言表达的一个字或。
    c) Will not be accepted photographs and humorous drawings showing content crude, pornographic, offensive or discriminatory in any species, or that violate local, state or federal laws or even works that contain names or trademarks of the company sponsoring the contest as well as any other company that can mischaracterize the cultural character of the contest. c)将不被接受的照片和图纸显示幽默的,攻击性或歧视性的任何物种,内容粗,色情或违反当地,州或联邦法律或作品,甚至含有任何商标或名称作为公司赞助的比赛,其他公司可以mischaracterize的比赛文化特征。 In the latter case, only the photos and drawings will be disqualified and not the competitor, if  he/she has sent other works that are in accordance with these Regulations. 在后一种情况下,只有照片和图纸将被取消资格,而不是竞争对手,如果他/她已向本条例规定的其他作品,都是根据。
    d) The candidate declares that he/she is the author of the images and/or humorous drawings submitted for this contest and has permission to use images of people and/or private properties that appear on the photos, responding civilly and criminally to this information, waiving the Why Biking website owners and Sodibike Comércio de Artigos Esportivos Ltda of any responsibilities. d)在候选人声明,他/她是和作者的图像和/或幽默此提交图纸比赛,并允许人们使用图像/或私人物业,照片出现在,民事和刑事责任,以回应这方面的资料,豁免为什么骑车网站所有者和Sodibike商报Artigos Esportivos Ltda公司的任何责任。
    e) Shall be automatically declassified photographs and humorous drawings that do not have association with the subject or violate any other specification of this regulation. e)条自动解密照片,幽默的绘图没有受到协会的任何违反本规例或其他规范。
    f) The photographs and humorous drawings disapproved shall be struck, without previous or posterior notice. f)在照片和幽默的图纸拒绝应击中,前或后没有通知。

    6 - THE ALLOCATION AND USE OF WORKS 6 -的配置与作品的使用作者:
    a) Classified works will be displayed on the site www.whybiking.com indefinitely and will be removed from the site at the discretion of the Organizing Committee. 1)分类工程将显示在网站上Www.whybiking.com无限期将组织委员会撤销在该网站上的自由裁量权的。 All classified works will be displayed on the contest galleries and few classified works ramdonly selected by the Organizing Committee will be also displayed on the website Home Page. 所有机密工程将显示在竞赛组委会的画廊和一些选定的分类工程ramdonly也将显示在页的网站首页。
    b) By accepting the terms and conditions of this regulation, the competitor expressly assigns to Sodibike Comércio de Artigos Esportivos Ltda and to the Why Biking website, free and without any expenses whatsoever, the copyright, ownership and use of images of entries, only for purposes related to the contest, including the display and publication on the www.blitz.com.br and www.whybiking.com websites and for the dissemination of the competition in other media and social networking websites, with other uses prohibited without prior concurrence of the competitor. b调节)在接受本条款及条件,竞争对手明确分配给Sodibike商报Artigos Esportivos Ltda公司和网站的为什么骑自行车,自由和完全没有任何费用,版权,所有权和使用作品的图像,只的宗旨有关的竞赛,包括显示和出版Www.blitz.com.br和Www.whybiking.com网站和网页发布市场竞争的媒体和其他社会网络禁止使用与其他没有事先同意竞争对手。

    7 - CALENDAR 7 -日历
    a) The pieces of works will be received until October 05th, 2010. 1)工程将收到的作品直到2010年10月5日。
    b) The voting will take place between October 06th, 2010 and November 05th, 2010. b)投票将于2010年进行与2010年10月6日和11月5日。
    c) The result will be posted at www.whybiking.com on November 06th, 2010. 三)的结果将被张贴在www.whybiking.com于2010年11月6日。

    8 - THE VOTING 8 -投票
    a) The voting will take place on the site www.whybiking.com 1)投票将采取现场放在www.whybiking.com
    b) To vote in a work of contest entries, one must access the www.whybiking.com website, access the gallery of the SHOW ME A REASON TO BIKE contest, assess the works and choose the best photo and the best humorous drawing. b)在投票中必须作大赛参赛作品,一进入Www.whybiking.com网站,进入ME的画廊在节目中的一个自行车比赛的原因,评估工作,并选择最佳的照片,最好的幽默画。 The website will have a system that restricts the vote to one vote per IP. 该网站将有一个制度,限制了投票表决,每一个IP。
    c) The website will accept votes 24 hours a day between October 06th, 2010 and November 05th, 2010, which may eventually not be available at some point, due to server instabilities or other technical matter without prejudice to the conduct of the competition and without prior notice. 三)该网站将接受票bus搭公车,2010年,每天24小时之间2010年10月6日和11月可能无法使用,最终在某个时候,要在竞争的行为,不因服务器不稳定偏见或其他技术问题没有事先通知。
    d) Any person is allowed to vote. d)任何人可以投票。

    9 - PRIZES 9 -奖项
    a) The author of the piece of work with the most votes in the Photography Category will receive the following prize: 1)该类别的摄影作品的作者在工作中得票最多的将获得以下奖品:

    Photo Category: 图片类别:
    1st .........................................1 (one) BLITZ City Folding Bicycle 第一......................................... 1(1)突击城市折叠自行车

    b) The author of the piece of work with the most votes in the Humorous Drawing Category will receive the following prize: b)在工作中的幽默与绘图类别得票最多的作品的作者将获得以下奖品:

    Humorous Drawing Category: 幽默图分类:
    1st ...........................................1 (one) BLITZ City Folding Bicycle 第一........................................... 1(1)突击城折叠自行车

    c) Disclosure of the winners will be held on November 06th, 2010 at www.whibiking.com. 三)披露的优胜者将于11月6日,www.whibiking.com 2010年。 Winners will be informed by e-mail. 得奖者将获通知电子邮件。
    d) The award will be delivered within 30 days after its disclosure. d)裁决将交付之日起30天后公布。
    e) To be eligible for award, the winner must prove his/her identity with skilled legal documents, and the prize is personal and not transferable. e)将有资格获得奖项,获奖者必须证明他/她的身份的法律文件与技能,而奖品是个人的,不得转让。
    f) A competitor may be a winner in both categories: Photography and Humorous Drawing. f)一个竞争对手可能是在这两个类别的获胜者:摄影和幽默画。

    10 - FINAL 10 -总结

    a) The competitor declares that the personal data provided on the electronic register to compete in the contest are true and proper. 1)竞争声明,登记的个人资料提供的电子竞争的比赛是真实和正确。
    b) The organizers reserve the right to disqualify the competitor who does not meet the conditions established herein, to which will not be required to inform, notify or warn the competitor. 二)主办单位有权取消其参赛资格的选手谁不符合条件的设立者外,以将不须通知,通知或提醒的竞争对手。
    c) The competitor awarded with one of the prizes offered, authorizes the use of his/her name and likeness for an indefinite period after the end of the competition, without any cost to the organizers of this contest. 三)提供与竞争对手颁发的奖品之一,授权使用他/她的名字和肖像为无限期比赛结束后的比赛,没有这种任何费用的组织者。
    d) Competitors who attempt to cheat or circumvent the rules laid down in this Regulation and those who do not comply with the conditions for participation in it will automatically be excluded from this cultural contest. 四)参赛者谁企图欺骗或规避本规例中订定的规则和那些谁不遵守它的参与条件,将自动被排除在这一文化的较量。
    e) Will be excluded also competitors who attempt to defraud the contest by any electronic means (typical acts of hacking and / or cracker), on the competition website. 五)将被排除竞争对手谁也企图诈骗饼干)竞赛/或任何电子手段的黑客(典型的行为,并于比赛网站。
    f) Items not covered in this Regulation shall be decided by the Organizing Committee, as required, being the Committee´s decisions sovereign, irrevocable and unappealable. f)条例中没有涉及这个项目应当由组委会决定,根据需要,作为委员会的决定主权,不可撤销,不可上诉。
    g) If anyone feel affected in any way by the material displayed on the contest website, please, inform the Organizing Committee sending an e-mail to contests@whybiking.com. 克)如果有人觉得任何影响比赛的方式对网站的材料显示,请告知组委会发送电子邮件至contests@whybiking.com。 The Committee will decide the best measure to be adopted. 该委员会将决定应采取的最佳措施。
    h) No responsibility can be attributed to the Sodibike Comércio de Artigos Esportivos Ltda or to the Why Biking website, for damage to computers, including its programs, parts and peripherals, for alleged participation in this contest and also for bad faith acts of third-party that invade the site of the contest such as hackers to access the registration data and personal information supplied by competitors and illegally use them for any purpose. h)对于责任可以归因于Sodibike商报Artigos Esportivos Ltda公司或到网站为什么骑自行车,电脑的损坏,包括其方案,零件及周边设备,为这次比赛涉嫌参与和背信弃义的行为也为第三党的宗旨是入侵网站的比赛,如黑客访问的登记资料及个人所提供的资料和竞争对手的任何非法使用它们的。 The Why Bking  website states to have reasonable care to prevent the invasion of the system, but is not responsible and can not be responsible for the inviolability of it. 该网站为何Bking国家有合理的谨慎措施防止入侵的系统,但不负责,不能把责任的不可侵犯性。
    i) In case of suspension or cancellation of the competition motivated by any circumstances or majeure force, shall not be due any payment or compensation to competitors by Sodibike Comércio de Artigos Esportivos Ltda or by the Why Biking website. i)在生效案件中止或不可抗力情况或任何取消比赛的动机,不得因任何付款或赔偿骑车到竞争对手网站由Sodibike商报Artigos Esportivos Ltda公司或由为何。 In this case, the photographs and humorous drawings already registered by competitors will be subject to the terms of this Regulation. 在这种情况下,幽默的照片和图纸已登记的竞争对手将受本规例的条款。
    j) These Regulation may be consulted at any time at the link: http://www.whybiking.com/en/contest/rules . j)条,这些规例,可查阅任何链接时在: 网址:Http:/ / Www.whybiking.com /恩/比赛/规则 。
    k) The competitor represents and warrants have read, understood and accepted in full the terms and conditions of this Regulation, agreeing to obey them. K)的代表和认股权证的竞争对手已阅读,理解并接受了全面的规管条款和条件,同意服从他们。 The acceptance of these Regulations, for any legal purposes, is equivalent to a written agreement signed between the competitor and the company sponsoring the contest. 该规例接受这些目的,任何法律,就等于一个书面协议签署的竞争者竞赛和公司赞助的。

    举报 回复

    # 1522楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-12 10:15|


    公司宣布竞赛的主题 :救恩
    分类:  1。  卡通  2。  书面形式  短篇小说  诗  格言
    主张: 1。  卡通:原始,闵。  的A4(21Ox297毫米),最大A3座(297x420毫米),技术免费;  2。  书面形式:最大2 tyued页或20个警句;
    奖励:  卡通:  第一奖:奖牌 *金盔* 800€ 一人展2011年;  藋痼学奖400€ 3st奖200€
    书面形式:  简单地说:  斑块*金盔* 200€
    诗云:  斑块* GOLDENHELMET * 200€
    格言: 斑块* GOLDENHELMET * 200€
    截止日期:  2010年11月20日。
    只有未发表的作品将予以考虑。  文字作品发送下一个代码!  陪审团决定将于今年- 2010年1月12日。 颁奖仪式将在决赛联欢晚会交给4月1日到2010年。 组织者将承担旅行和食宿费用作家获奖。  节官方语言为塞尔维亚语和英语。  阿里工程主要属性重新ofthe节。
    International Festival of humor and satire gold helmets TOPLICINA 2, 37 000 Krusevac Serbia  塞尔维亚
    电话/终身高:00381(37)423025; 421 877

    电子邮箱:  kck@kck.org.rs  卵子adresa济zaštićena外径罗博陶。  Potreban VA菌根济Java的skripta大双济videli科技教育。
    zlatnakaciga@kck.org.rs  卵子adresa济zaštićena外径罗博陶。  Potreban VA菌根济Java的skripta大双济videli科技教育。
    goldenhelmet@kck.org.rs  卵子adresa济zaštićena外径罗博陶。  Potreban VA菌根济Java的skripta大双济videli科技教育。


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    # 1523楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-13 09:43|

    THEME: “Naci Talat Portrait Cartoons...” 主题:“纳吉塔拉特肖像漫画...”
    NACI TALAT BIOGRAPHY: 腹腔感染的塔拉特简历:
    He was born on March 10, 1945 in Buyukkonuk Village in Magusa. 他出生于Buyukkonuk村马古莎3月10日,1945。 After completing his primary and secondary education in Nicosia, in 1962 he went to University of Ankara Law School. 在完成他的小学和中学教育尼科西亚1962年,在他前往安卡拉大学法律学院。 He married Vesile Usar in 1969 and had a daughter and a son. 他已婚,并于1969年Vesile城市搜救了一个女儿和一个儿子。 He then graduated from Law School in 1971. 然后,他从法学院毕业,1971年。 He was fluent in English and Greek and while he was a student, he took part in various positions in student organizations. 他精通英语,希腊语和他虽然是个学生,他组织学生参加各种立场。 He was the first president of the Cypriot Turkish National Student Federation. 他是学生联合会第一任总统的塞浦路斯土耳其国家。
    When he was elected as a deputy of the Congress in June 1976, he took a break from his job as a lawyer which he started in 1972. 当他1976年6月当选为国会副中,他采取了在1972年脱离他的工作作为一名律师,他开始。 He was a representative of Cumhuriyetci Turk Partisi in the Founding Assembly of KTFD (Turkish Federative State of Cyprus) in 1975 and (Northern Cyprus Parlementer Assembly) in 1983. 他是1975年代表Cumhuriyetci在土耳其人Partisi在成立大会KTFD(联邦国家塞浦路斯土耳其)和(北塞浦路斯Parlementer大会)于1983年。 Without any breaks, he was re-elected as a deputy after the June 1981 and June 1985 elections. 没有任何休息,他再次当选为副后,1981年6月和1985年6月的选举。 After the May 1990 election, even though he was elected as a deputy, he boycotted the anti-democratic practices and did not join the Congress. 1990年5月大选后,即使他当选为副,他抵制违反民主的做法,也没有参加大会。
    Between 1972 and 1991, Naci Talat was the Secretary General of Cumhuriyetci Turk Partisi, and he dedicated his life for the peace and democracy struggle of the Cypriot Turkish Community. 1972年至1991年,纳吉塔拉特是土耳其Partisi秘书长Cumhuriyetci,他一生致力于土耳其社区塞浦路斯的和平与民主的斗争。
    This legendary leader, who was one of the most important politicians that guided Cypriot Turkish political life, said his goodbyes to the struggle and the people who loved him, on June 26, 1991 in London. 这位传奇领袖,谁是政治家的一个最重要的是指导塞浦路斯土耳其的政治生活,说他告别的斗争和人民谁爱他1991年6月26日在伦敦。
    Even though years have passed since he passed away, Naci Talat's thoughts, voice, and image still continue to affect tens of thousands of people. 尽管时间已经过去了,因为他去世后,纳吉塔拉特的思想,声音,图像仍然继续影响着成千上万的人数以千计。
    DEADLINE: 15 October 2010 截止日期: 二零一零年十月十五日
    A4 Size… Max. A4幅面...最大。 100-300dpi... 100 - 300dpi或... Max. 马克斯。 one entry… 一进入...
    Black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted… 黑白或彩色,任何方式,任何技术将被接受...
    Name, address, tel, e-mail… 姓名,地址,电话,电子邮件...
    All cartoonists can participate in festival through your own E-mail by submitting your cartoon to: yeniakrep@kibris.net 所有漫画家可以参加艺术节,以提交您的漫画:通过自己的电子邮箱 yeniakrep@kibris.net
    The cartoons will be displayed at or may be used for promotional purposes: cards, posters, catalogs, newspapers, magazine and books etc. Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submissions may be reprinted and used without future monetary compensation. 这些漫画将展出或可能被用于促销目的:卡,海报,目录,报纸,杂志和书籍等参加被视为已接受所有条件,并知道他们的意见可能被转载和使用没有未来的货币赔偿。
    PRIZES: 奖品:
    First Prize (Plaquet) To a person 一等奖(普拉凯)一个人
    Second Prize (Plaquet) Two persons 二等奖(普拉凯)两个人
    Third Prize (Plaquet) Three persons. 三等奖(普拉凯)三人。
    October 2010 Naci Talat Foundation (Nicosia - Cyprus) 2010年10月纳西族塔拉特基金会(尼科西亚-塞浦路斯)
    Naci Talat photos, please visit the following web page: http://www.nacitalat.com/ 纳吉塔拉特照片,请访问以下网页: http://www.nacitalat.com/

    举报 回复

    # 1524楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-20 10:32|

    荷兰的第十七届国际漫画节- “新能源”


    作品数量:7最大 。 每个工作应包括背后的名称和地址漫画家。 报名表必须填写。 工程以及正本或计算机打印优质工程,也可以接受。 最大的张A4大小。 选择艺术家的截止日期后4个月,该节将收到免费目录。 截止日期: 星期一,1389年12月29日 奖项: 一等奖:1000欧元和奖牌 第二人:: 第三:500欧元和奖牌 公众奖:250欧元和光盘 外经办奖:250欧元和奖牌 Tvlyp奖:250欧元和奖牌 盲奖:250欧元和光盘 4个特别奖:奖牌 2011 Markyzn奖2011

    地址 17th Dutch CARTOONFESTIVAL, POSTBUS 2180, 1180 customs armes Dauphin Netherlands 荷兰

    - 金额为每个参赛表格中的指定值,和被保险人的作品在形式上没有指定金额,保险将是40欧元。


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    # 1525楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-20 10:57|

    第十七届国际漫画节Rndvn - “依赖”
    里卡多Rndvn 哥伦比亚提高漫画家漫画,被称为天皇。  。在二十世纪最有影响力的Tnzprdazan他一个是拉丁美洲。 他的作品大部分是讽刺,是有关政治漫画。 他的漫画表现的现实和个人的地位。 先锋使他在哥伦比亚流行的图形。
    竞争问题: 甲)依赖(情绪,经济,心理和...)
    B)的何塞玛丽亚科尔多瓦(设计师漫画)看到这个人物的照片,    点击  c)自由
    竞争条款  1 - 在世界各地参加比赛的所有漫画家是免费的。  2 -    最后截止日期:    1389年11月8日
    3 - 每位参赛者只可递交三为它工作的最高。  4 - 作品可以是黑色和白色或彩色的。
    5 - 不大于30尺寸为40厘米。  6 - 也可以获奖作品已到位或已在本场比赛发表您。 只有作品必须是原创的照片和复印件是不能接受的。  7 - 发送该工程的业主负责。  8 - 参与者图片应该简历和作品发送。
    9 - 在每个工作回来必须姓名,地址,电话和该国的所有者应写入。  10 - 选定将获得免费目录漫画家。
    11 - 来自哥伦比亚和其他国家的法官将被选中和比赛的结果将在12月公布。 十二 - 在竞争中的工程将不予退还。  13 - 在大赛参与构成竞争的接受。
    奖项: 主题大奖的依赖:2.000美元 漫画节奖:500美元 免费奖展区:600美元 来自不同机构的特别奖
    17 ° Festival International Director CARICATURA Fernando pica Palacio culture association/CR 50 # 48-Colombia, Antioquia Rio Negro 哥伦比亚
    www.****     info@****

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    # 1526楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-20 11:00|

    荷兰的第十七届国际漫画节- “新能源”
    主题:   新能源
    - 作品数量:7最大
    - 每个工作应包括背后的名称和地址漫画家。 报名表必须填写。
    - 工程以及正本或计算机打印优质工程,也可以接受。
    - 最大的张A4大小。
    - 选择艺术家的截止日期后4个月,该节将收到免费目录。
    最后截止日期: 星期一,1389年12月29日
    17th Dutch CARTOONFESTIVAL, POSTBUS 2180, 1180 customs armes Dauphin Netherlands 荷兰
    - 金额为每个参赛表格中的指定值,和被保险人的作品在形式上没有指定金额,保险将是40欧元。

    举报 回复

    # 1527楼

  • hwf发表于2010-09-20 15:25|


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    # 1528楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-21 08:52|



      2010年9月14日,“2010第5届中国嘉兴国际漫画展” 终评工作在北京中国美术家协会进行。中国美术家协会党组书记、常务副主席吴长江亲临现场指导评选,中国美术家协会秘书长刘健主持了评奖工作。



    Dragostinov、土耳其Musa Gümüs、日本Mikio Nakahara代表国外漫画家参加开幕式。

      Rumen Dragostinov《无题》保加利亚
      Musa Gümüs《无题》土耳其
      Cristobal Reinoso 《爱的面罩》阿根廷
      Mahmood Nazari 《无题》伊朗
      Mikio Nakahara 《无题》日本
      Mario de Jesus Marcelino《无题》巴西
      Vladimir Kazanevsky《无题》乌克兰
      Yuriy Kosobukin 《无题》乌克兰
      Panel Constantin 《无题》罗马尼亚
      Slawomir Luczynsk《无题》波兰
      Jovan Prokopljevic《无题》塞尔维亚
      Mojtaba Heidarpanah《无题》伊朗
      Mohamad Akbari 《好心的雪人》伊朗
      Mohammad Ali Khalaji《无题》伊朗
      Katz Grigori 《危机》以色列
      Muhittin Koroglu 《无题》土耳其
      Mahesm Kumar Dubey, 《清洁环境 保护环境》, 印度,
      Abdullah Ibnu Thalhah, 《救救我》, 印度尼西亚,
      Agus Widodo, 《替代品》, 印度尼西亚,
      Heino Partanen, 《以风力驱动电扇》, 芬兰,
      Ngai Oo (U Han Kyi), 《拼起来》, 缅甸,
      Gonzalo Gulle, 《玩具》, 阿根廷, B
      Ana Maria Pilipczuk, 《无题》, 阿根廷,
      Norberto R. Vecchio, 《威胁》, 阿根廷,
      Nestor Antonio Ibanez, 《女性》, 阿根廷,
      Yaver Asadov, 《无题》, 阿塞拜疆,
      Valentin Georgiev, 《无题》, 保加利亚,
      Nilo Trovo, 《甲壳虫乐队》, 巴西,
      Aparecido Araujo, 《无题》, 巴西,
      Sunnerberg Constantin, 《无题》, 比利时,
      Andre Mathijs, 《无题》, 比利时,
      Huseyin Cakmak, 《无题》, 塞浦路斯,
      Doru Axinte, 《救救鸟类》, 罗马尼亚,
      Mihai Danielescu, 《无题》, 罗马尼亚,
      Koundouros Nicolas, 《无题》, 希腊,
      Grigoris Georgiou, 《无题》, 希腊,
      Miroslaw Hajnos, 《无题》, 波兰, B
      Wesam Khalil, 《无题》, 埃及,
      Vladimir Stankovski, 《没有家庭、房子、工作的男人将会如何?》, 塞尔维亚,
      Vladimir Stankovski, 《貌似谍战》, 塞尔维亚,
      Jovan Prokopljevic, 《无题》, 塞尔维亚,
      Dusan Vukojev《武力高压 环保缺失》,塞尔维亚,
      Eray Özbek, 《夜幕中的明灯》, 土耳其,
      Musa Gümüs, 《无题》, 土耳其,
      Askin Ayrancioglu, 《水》, 土耳其,
      Tawan Chuntraskawvong, 《无题》, 泰国,
      Makhmud Eshonkulov, 《鱼》, 乌兹别克斯坦,
      Asimkhan Vasikhanov, 《无题》, 乌兹别克斯坦,
      Tapacob, 《无题》, 俄罗斯,
      Mohamad Akbari, 《煤灰树》, 伊朗,
      Javad Takjoo, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Payam Pourfalah, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Ahmad Hajibabaei, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Shahran Rezaei, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Hadi Akbari, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Sohrab Kheiri, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Masoud Ziaei Zardkhashoei, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Alireza Ansari, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Alireza Ansari, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Nahid Zamani, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Sahar Mehrnavaz, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Reyhaneh Karimian, 《时间》, 伊朗,
      Bahman Jalali Nokandeh, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Shirin Gholipour, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Aliyeh Mazaheri, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Farzane Vaziri Tabar, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Shahin Hooshmand, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Shahin Kalantary, 《雨》, 伊朗,
      Hossein Rahimkhani, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Samaneh Neisani, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Ali Javaher, 《无题》, 伊朗,
      Azuka Nwokocha, 《洪水》, 尼日利亚,
      Mikio Nakahara, 《无题》, 日本,
      Anas Al Lakkis, 《国王间的会晤》, 黎巴嫩,
      Arsen Gevorgyan, 《无题》, 亚美尼亚,
      Louis Pol 路易斯•波尔, 《无题》, 澳大利亚,
      Huey Nguyenhuu, 《全球变暖》, 美国,
      Young Sik Oh, 《无题》, 韩国

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    # 1529楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2010-09-21 09:01|


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    # 1530楼


