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  • 贾锐军发表于2012-05-01 11:33|


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    # 1921楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-05-01 14:49|


    The aim of the competition, "Youth, Sport, Peace and Tolerance", and product concepts to submit the case of encouraging the world to think about ... tmek cartoonists and cartoon-thus suggesting a laughing aspect-states / feelings of brotherhood among the people is to contribute to the development ...

    1 - The competition is open to amateur and professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.

    2 - The subject of the competition: "Youth, Sport, Peace and Tolerance." Intertwined with these themes in his works as it works for Illustrators, Capable of handling independent of each other as ...

    3 - the technique of entering the competition works. Works published before, but no participants may be.
    4 - Participants may submit up to 5 pieces of works. However, not more than one prize is a cartoonist.
    5 - to send cartoons A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm) in size, should be 300 dpi and in jpg format.

    6 - August 1, 2012 until the date of entering the competition via e-mail works,
    sinopghsimcartoon@gmail.com   should be sent to.

    7 - other works of all artists with the name, surname, postal address, phone number, e-mail address, short CV as word file and send a photo of a piece. Under the age of 18 illustrators ("Youth Award" will be given) should indicate their age necessarily.
    8 - awarded and exhibited in the cartoons to be published in an album and this album will be sent to owners of the works.
    9 - with the award ceremony of the competition exhibition will be held at a later date will be announced later.

    10 - Prizes:
    1st Prize: 1000 U.S. Dollar + Plaque, 2nd Prize: U.S. $ 750 + Plaque, 3rd Prize: U.S. $ 500 + Plaque. 3 hacks under 18 years, the Youth Award: Plaque least 100 U.S. DOLLARS +. In addition, Special prizes offered by various organizations.

    11 - attend an award-winning artists in the award ceremony and exhibition opening will be covered expenses other than travel expenses.

    12 - Selective assembly; cartoon artists love Ayrancioglu (Turkey), Erhan Yasar PATERNITY (Turkey), Vladimir KAZANEVSKY (Ukraine), Sayyed Clocks (Turkey), Agim SULAJ (Albania), Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia) are ...

    13 - The participating cartoons will be regulating the institution's archives of posters, calendars, brochures, magazines, newspapers and so on. yayımlanabilecektir organs. In return, the publication will be sent to the artist, published work.

    14 - The cartoonists participated in the competition constitutes acceptance of the above conditions.

    部总督 SİNOP 首长级的青年服务和体育城国际漫画比赛"竞赛,"青年、 体育、 和平与容忍"的宗旨,并鼓励世界去 … … 想 tmek 漫画家和卡通-从而暗示笑方面各国的案件提交产品概念 / 人民之间的兄弟情谊的感情是 … … 的发展做出贡献1-竞争是开放业余和专业和业余的漫画家,从世界各地来的。2-竞争的主题:"青年、 体育、 和平与容忍"。插图画家,能处理作为相互独立的工作时与这些主题在他的作品交织在一起 … …3-进入竞争的技术工作。作品发表之前,但没有参与者可能。4-参赛者可提交作品达 5 件。但是,一个漫画家不超过一个奖。5-将发送漫画 A3 (29.7 厘米 x 42 厘米) 的大小,应该是 300 dpi 和 jpg 格式。6 2012 年-8 月 1 日之前通过电子邮件进入比赛的日期,sinopghsimcartoon@gmail.com 应送到。7 所有艺术家的名、 姓、 邮政地址、 电话号码、 电子邮件地址,-其它工程短为 word 文件的简历和发送的一张照片。未满 18 插图画家 (将授予"青年奖") 应一定表明他们的年龄。8-授予和展示一张专辑,这张专辑在刊登漫画中将送给业主的工程。9-与竞争的颁奖仪式展将举行一个后日期将于稍后公布。10-奖项: 第一名奖金: 1000 美元 + 斑块,二等奖: 美国 $ 750 + 斑块、 三等奖: 美国 $ 500 + 斑块。3 黑客攻击 18 岁,青年奖: 斑块至少 100 美元 +。此外,各类组织提供的特殊奖品。11-出席颁奖典礼上的获奖艺术家和展会开幕将承担的费用以外旅行的费用。12-选择性大会 ;卡通艺术家爱艾兰哲奥卢 (土耳其) 埃尔汗亚萨尔亲子关系 (土耳其) 弗拉基米尔 • KAZANEVSKY (乌克兰) 赛义德 • 钟表 (土耳其) 阿吉姆 SULAJ (阿尔巴尼亚) 米哈伊尔 • Zlatkovsky (俄罗斯) 是...13-参与漫画会等监管机构的档案的海报、 日历、 小册子、 杂志、 报纸。yayımlanabilecektir 机关。作为回报,出版物将送给艺术家,已发表的作品。14-漫画家参加竞争构成上述条件的接受。

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    # 1922楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-05-01 16:14|


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    # 1923楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-05-02 09:17|






    参赛作品必须开发一个单一的表上的最大规模的UNI A4(cm. 21×29.7)。 任何一种图形技术将被接受,包括数码艺术品打印签署,如果他们是头号打印。




    每位作者可参加一个艺术品。 如果发送更多的作品,在保障委员会酌情盐,将选择的工作,将参加比赛。





    trasimenobluescartoonfest@gmail.com (JPG - 300 dpi的。)

    并通过定期的邮件: 尼古拉BUCCI - “特拉西梅诺蓝色卡通巨星” -通过

    - 00 125罗姆人-尼诺,30 A2 /塔兰托意大利

        在作品背面必须注明:作者的名字,姓氏和地址。 作品将不予退还。 将本次比赛的官方网站上公布的艺术品。

    4        保证委员会-专业人士和文化世界的代表组成,将选择30个最重要的作品。
    30个入围作品将刊登于 www.trasimenobluescartoonfest.com 。


    5        这使得它在比赛的最后阶段的作品将在“Darsena酒店”现场音乐俱乐部郎世宁涞阁展出,从7月19日至7月29日,在Ombre的Rosse爵士现场音乐俱乐部“的罗马,从10月1日至11月15日在2012年。


    奖“特拉西梅诺蓝色卡通巨星奖”将是相等的现金数额 300欧元。


        每一个艺术家必须证明自己作品的内容。 艺术总监收到的作品可以出版,发行和使用任何类型的选择。 艺术品仍将组委会的财产。 所有参赛者了解并同意表示隐含在这里竞争的条款,并接受,没有任何补偿,在他们的作品展览或艺术展览在更多的节目。 他们还一致认为其出版书籍,海报,书签,T恤或者可爱的帽子,日历或议程上的所有服务信息。 这将是强制性的艺术家和国家的起源和的特拉西梅诺蓝调巨星Caroon的名字被包括在每一个出版物的名称。

    8 特拉西梅诺蓝调音乐节,而剩余完全致力于照顾和保护的作品,不采取任何盗窃,损坏或损失可能发生的那一刻起,涉及这些作品的任何责任,他们到达,直到展览结束。

    9 参与是完全免费的事件,意味着完全接受
    这些法规。 筹备委员会关于有争议的问题,以及没有明确规定的事项作出最终决定的权利和责任。



    电话/传真:+39 075 828489



    “特拉西梅诺蓝色卡通巨星” -


    尼古拉BUCCI - “特拉西梅诺蓝色卡通巨星”
    通过尼诺塔兰托N°/ 0.30 A2的

    00 125罗马-意大利

    电子邮件: trasimenobluescartoonfest@gmail.com




    cap__________________ City_________________________






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    # 1924楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-05-07 10:03|

    Page 1 第1页  
    MONZA (ITALY) 蒙扎(意大利) LA GHIGNATA 2012 洛杉矶GHIGNATA 2012 XVIII INTERNACIONAL EXHIBITION OF SATIRE, HUMOR AND COMICS 第十八INTERNACIONAL讽刺,幽默和漫画展 www.ghignata.org www.ghignata.org Event organized by Fondazione Franco Fossati, 佛朗哥福萨蒂基金会举办的活动, in collaboration with Comune of Monza - Town Hail of Monza City 在蒙扎市的合作-蒙扎市城市冰雹 From Saturday the 10th to Sunday the 25th November 2012 10日从星期六到星期天2012年11月25日 the exhibition site of Galleria Civica of Monza will host 蒙扎广场Civica展会现场将举办 GHIGNATA IN PINK “THE WOMAN” 在粉红色GHIGNATA“女” featuring works from Italian and International artists 从意大利和国际艺术家作品特色 The theme for this year 2012 is The WOMAN. 2012年,今年的主题是女人。 The annual appointment of "LA GHIGNATA" has reached the eighteenth edition, collecting both 每年的“洛杉矶GHIGNATA”任命已经达到了18版,同时收集 national and international appreciations, in previouseditions were faced great topics and big is- 国家和国际升值在previouseditions,面临着很大的课题和大 sues of EXPO 2015 such as food, energy, transport and school, trying to stir up reflections, 起诉的2015年世博会为干燥食品,能源,交通和学校,试图挑起了反思, thoughts and comparisons with different realities, with the collaboration of authors from all around 不同的现实思考和比较,与来自世界各地的作者合作 the world by means of their drawings. 世界平均值的图纸。 This feature has always attached great importance to the 此功能一直高度重视 festival, as a way to point attention on major issues, often controversial, definitely serious, but 节日里,作为一种指向上的重大问题,经常引起争议,肯定严重关注,但 using a "weapon" as the humor which becomes a kind of direct, popular and global language. 使用“武器”,这已经成为一种直接的,流行的和全球性的语言幽默。 This year “LA GHIGNATA” is tinged in rose, facing the female universe crosswise its thousand of 今年“洛杉矶GHIGNATA”玫瑰色彩,面临着宇宙的女性其横向千 facets, hosts and protagonists will be the authoresses from all the world, deliberately free to ex- 方面,主机和主角将是来自世界各地的女作家,故意前免费 press a different view about equality, family, violence, love, and so on, through their drawings and 按不同的看法关于平等,家庭暴力,爱情,等等,通过他们的图纸, a female sense of humor. 和幽默的女性意识。 At the beginning of the third millennium conditions and life of women idolized or murdered pass 在第三个千年的妇女的生活条件和开始崇拜通或谋杀 from the highest positions of political and economic power 从政治和经济权力的最高职位 to slavery, and in the middle of these opposite poles a universe of diatribes, conflicts, victories or 奴役,并在中间和抨击宇宙这些对立的两极,冲突,或胜利 lost in which women, mothers, daughters or lovers are the main characters 失去了,妇女,母亲,女儿或恋人是主角 Always satellites of male chauvinist and victims of machismo, denied of their own light, but able to 总是大男子主义和大男子主义的受害者,卫星否认自己的光芒,但能够 brighten the most dark scenery. 照亮了黑暗的风景桥。 Strong, tenacious, sweet and sensitive, when women express 强大的,顽强的,甜的和敏感的,当妇女表达 themselves in all fields of art allows the overflow of all their passion, wit and intelligence. 自己所有的热情,智慧和智力的溢出,允许在艺术的各个领域。 With 同 these premises LA GHIGNATA will be definitely a special edition, full of expectation and critical 这些楼宇的的洛杉矶GHIGNATA将肯定是一个特殊的版本,充满期望和关键 contents. 内容。 Luigi F. Bona 路易吉楼博纳 Liviano Riva 里瓦利维娅 Fondazione Franco Fossati - President 佛朗哥福萨蒂-总统的Fondazione Creator and Editor - La Ghignata 创作者和编者-香格里拉Ghignata RULES OF PARTICIPATION 参与规则 • Artists can send up to 4 works, which will then be judged and chosen for the exhibition •艺术家可以发送到四部作品,展览将判断和选择 • The deadline for the submission of the works is the 30th of July 2012, so to allow enough 提交作品的截止日期是2012年7月30日,以便让足够 time for the creation of the exhibition catalogue and its effective advertising plan 展览目录的创建时间和有效的广告计划 • All the images need to be submitted electronically (300 DPI min., HiRes JPG) to both these •所有的图像需要以电子方式提交(300DPI的分钟,高分辨率的JPG),这些都 addresses: 地址: la.ghignata@livianoriva.it e fondazione@francofossati.eu la.ghignata @ livianoriva.itËfondazione@francofossati.eu • By participating to “La Ghignata” artists will implicitly agree to give their consent to exhibit their •通过参加“香格里拉Ghignata”艺术家将隐式表现就是他们的同意,同意 work at the exhibition and to reproduce it for the relevant catalogue. 在展览和重现它的相关目录。 The reproduction of the work(s) 该作品的复制() will be part of the road show held by Fondazione Franco Fossati; no commercial use of the works 将举行路演的Fondazione佛朗哥福萨蒂,没有商业用途的作品的一部分 will be allowed without the artists' auhtorisation. 将允许没有艺术家auhtorisation。 Artists are kindly required to fill and send the below entry form via email. 艺术家请填写下面的报名表格并通过电子邮件发送。 Please write EXPO 请写世博会 GHIGNATA 2011 as the subject of your email. GHIGNATA 2011年的电子邮件的主题。 For further info: 如需进一步信息: Melina Gatto (Head of International Relations & Exhibitions) 梅丽娜加托(国际关系及展览总监) Mobil phone 389 1650276 e-mail melina.gatto@museowow.it 手机389 1650276电子邮件melina.gatto @ museowow.it Liviano Riva (Director) 利维娅里瓦(主任) Mobil phone 338 6798441 e-mail: liviano@rivaliviano.it 手机338 6798441电子邮箱:liviano@rivaliviano.it
    Page 2 第2页  
    ENTRY FORM La Ghignata 2012 - “ THE WOMAN “ 报名表香格里拉Ghignata 2012 - “女人” Required Data: 所需的数据: Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 姓名:______________________________ Surname: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 姓:___________________________ Nickname : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 昵称:___________________________ Place of birth: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 出生地点:___________________________ Date of birth: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 出生日期:_____________________________ Protected data (not disclosed without authorisation): 受保护的数据(没有未经授权的披露): Address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address_ _____________________________ Country_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country_ _____________________________ Contact number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 联系号码______________________________ Mobil phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 美孚电话:___________________________ e-mail: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 电子邮件:____________________________ Short biography: 短的传记: IMPORTANT: I hereby authorise the reproduction of my works at “La Ghignata”, for the exclu- 重要说明:本人特此授权我的作品“香格里拉Ghignata”的繁殖,为相异 sive use by the Fondazione Franco Fossati. 基金会佛朗哥福萨蒂SIVE使用。 date and signature_________________________________ 日期和signature_________________________________的
    Date of birth: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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    # 1925楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-05-07 10:07|


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    # 1926楼

  • 盖桂保发表于2012-05-07 11:19|


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    # 1927楼

  • 尹成伟发表于2012-05-30 15:05|


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    # 1928楼

  • 尹成伟发表于2012-06-01 16:44|


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    # 1929楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-06 12:21|


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    # 1930楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-06 12:40|



    中国• 嘉兴国际漫画展是一项在国内外有相当知名度和影响力的主题性漫画双年展活动,她在促进漫画及美术事业的发展,增强国际间文化交流合作,提升嘉兴城市形象等方面发挥了重要的作用。经嘉兴市人民政府和中国美术家协会共同研究,决定2012年在嘉兴市举办“第六届中国• 嘉兴国际漫画双年展” 。征稿启示如下:
    第六届中国• 嘉兴国际漫画双年展主题为“水•人类•家园”
    第六届中国• 嘉兴国际漫画双年展于2012年10月下旬在中国浙江省嘉兴市开幕。
    1.本届参展作品分A类作品和B类作品,A类作品必须符合“水• 人类• 家园”创作主题。B类作品为自由创意作品。
    4.收件日期:自即日起至2012年8月31日止(以主办方收件邮戳为准)。邮编:314000,联系电话:0573—82091028,82071601,  82031836。
    5.收件地址:中国浙江省嘉兴市中和街36号嘉兴美术馆。电子文件收件信箱:  zjjxmsg@163.com.;738518038@ qq.com 。联系人:凌加春、仲中晓。
    主    办:中国美术家协会、嘉兴市人民政府
    承    办:中国美协漫画艺委会、浙江省美术家协会
    协    办:浙江省漫画家协会、嘉兴市生态办、嘉兴市环保局、嘉兴市水利局、嘉兴水务集团、嘉兴职业技术学院、嘉兴日报、南湖晚报


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    # 1931楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-06 12:43|

    queridos colegasŸ艺术家:
    POR quinto ANO consecutivo,EL秘鲁本身
    EN UNA节日convertirá的德尔幽默verdadera
    realizaciónCON LA德尔至五沙龙INTERNACIONAL DE
    mundiales del dibujohumorístico的。

    一个medida阙EL Aumente
    nuevas aparecen科莫necesidades
    consecuencia DE LA VIDA EN皇家社会,EL德尔梅迪奥
    环境LO阙本身骑着CADA VEZ deteriora
    香格里拉contaminaciónES UNO德洛斯Problemas
    ambientales阙的更多importantes afectan 1
    的constituye UNO德洛斯更多Problemas
    críticosEN世界报,Porque单独ES LA
    cantidad铊,的原因Efectos阙EN EL adversos
    materiales expuestos 1 dosis阙sobrepasen
    EN LA洛杉矶niveles aceptables naturaleza。
    1 inaugurarse EL 6•埃斯特重要事项事件摘要
    扩展POR托达varios meses recorriendo
    peruana LA资本Y EL resto德尔派斯。
    本身editará联合国catalogoademáslibro CON托多斯
    seleccionadosŸ洛杉矶阙Trabajos Seran
    通过邮政enviados POR的托多斯洛杉矶的艺术家和
    seleccionados EN LA muestra。
    esperamos的苏valioso一种Porque ESO原
    更多钞票EL Exito德尔沙龙,阙亚本身公顷
    convertido EN EL更多重要事项的ESTA单方面
    1 -香格里拉contaminaciónAmbiental auditiva视觉Ÿ本身公顷convertido
    conciencia目的SOBRE problema严重。
    2 - Pueden enviar闪现DOS OBRAS档案馆的苏阙个人有关
    SIDO hayan publicadas的premiadas。  pueden奶酪elaboradas EN
    3 -香格里拉OBRA debe tener UNAResolución300 dpi的科莫Minimo浏览器,Y联合国
    4 -帮派拉斯维加斯OBRASdeberánenviar SUS personales DATOS(农布雷
    4 -拉斯维加斯OBRAS本身enviarán电子邮件:
    5 -洛杉矶Trabajos SEdeberánenviar闪现EL 16的胡利奥•德2012。
    6 -香格里拉recepciónDE LAS OBRAS亿思达货物德洛斯organizadores
    至五德尔沙龙INTERNACIONAL DE幽默画报-利马2012
    7 -拉斯维加斯OBRAS seleccionadasconformaránLAExposición流动
    inaugurará本身阙EN EL 6 DE setiembre的2012。
    8 -洛杉矶artistas seleccionadosrecibirán联合国ejemplar德尔libro德Lujo
    publicaremos CON洛杉矶阙Trabajos enviados人沙龙。
    9 -洛杉矶artistas阙数autorizarán一个SUS dibujos puedan的奶酪
    usados的EN afiches,polo衫,Notas的新闻社Y材料impreso对
    DIFUSION LA德尔事件摘要。
    10 -洛杉矶aceptan todas拉斯维加斯艺术家及付款establecidas EN LAS
    基地的第convocatoria EL至五沙龙INTERNACIONAL的幽默

    举报 回复

    # 1932楼

  • 徐成刚发表于2012-06-06 12:48|


    1、比赛主题:1)新城市与生态故事 (New City & Eco Story);2)自由选题。
    the Daejean International Cartoon Institute,
    450, Wolpyeongdong, Daejeon,
    Seoul 302-280, Korea.

    450, Wolpyeongdong, Daejeon, Seoul 302-280, Korea
    Tel: 82 (42) 487-5034 C.P: 82-11-425-6115
    E-mail: csanlim@naver.com

    (刘新国 翻译)

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    # 1933楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-07 09:17|

    第13届国际漫画大赛的Spirito DI维诺/意大利2012
    مسابقة سبيريتو دي فينو الدولية الثالثة عشرة في إيطاليا مسابقةسبيريتوديفينوالدوليةالثالثةعشرةفيإيطاليا

    الموضوع: الخمر..ترسل الأعمال (3 حد أقصى) قبل 31/8/2012 إلى العنوان التالي: الموضوع:الخمر..ترسلالأعمال(3حدأقصى)قبل31/8/2012إلىالعنوانالتالي:
    Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia - Via del Partidor 7 - 33100 Udine - Italy 维诺movimento赛车德尔弗留利-威尼斯朱利亚- VIA DEL Partidor 7 - 33100乌迪内-意大利
    أو المشاركة مباشرة عبر الموقع: أوالمشاركةمباشرةعبرالموقع:
    www.mtvfriulivg.it www.mtvfriulivg.it

    Regulations 规例“
    Art.1 Aim of the competition art.1竞争的目的
    Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia, in collaboration with movimento赛车德尔维诺弗留利-威尼斯朱利亚,合作与
    Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan, hereby announces a public competition 因诺琴蒂基金会在米兰欧洲设计,现宣布公开竞争
    named Spirito di Vino - “Spirit of Wine” competition for prizes to be awarded 命名的Spirito DI维诺-竞争“酒精神”,被授予奖品
    to artists of satirical cartoons concerning the world and culture of wine. 有关酒文化和世界的讽刺漫画艺术家。
    Art.2 Eligibility art.2资格
    The participants to the competition will be divided into two groups. 竞争的参与者将被分成两组。 The first will 首先将
    be made of Italian and non-Italian artists from eighteen to thirty-five years old 意大利和非意大利籍的艺术家,从十八岁到三十五年
    (they have to turn from eighteen to thirty-five during the year 2012). (他们把2012年期间从18岁到三十五个)。 The second 第二
    group will be made of Italian and non-Italian artists older than thirty-six years. 组将意大利和非意大利艺术家的三十六个年以上。
    Art.3 Terms and procedures for delivery of artwork art.3条款和艺术品交付程序
    During the period from 27th May to 31st August 2012, artists should send, 在2012年5月27日至八月三十一日期间,应派艺术家,
    at their own expense and with appropriate protection, their artwork to the 在自己的费用和适当的保护,他们的作品
    following address: 地址如下:
    Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia movimento赛车德尔维诺弗留利-威尼斯朱利亚
    Via del Partidor, 7 7 Partidor的Via del
    33100 Udine- Italy. 33100乌迪内意大利。
    Artists can also e-mail their works by 31st August 2012 to Movimento 艺术家也可以E-mail作者31他们的作品2012年8月至Movimento
    Turismo del Vino at the web-page www.mtvfriulivg.it . 赛车德尔维诺Web页面www.mtvfriulivg.it 。 The artworks arrived 艺术品抵达
    after the above deadline will be excluded from the competition. 上述期限后,将被排除在竞争。
    Art. 艺术。 4 Specifications for artwork 4规格的艺术品
    Cartoons should not exceed the dimensions of 30x40 cm in vertical 漫画不应该超过30X40厘米的尺寸,在垂直
    (maximum three cartoons). (最多三个卡通)。 The artwork can be in black and white or 作品可以在黑色和白色或
    colour and can be drawn using any technique. 可以得出的颜色和使用任何技术。
    Art. 艺术。 5 Composition of the jury 5组成的陪审团
    Movimento Turismo del Vino will appoint a judging committee, including movimento赛车德尔维诺将委任一个评审委员会,包括
    leading figures from the world of satire and journalism. 从讽刺和新闻世界领先的数字。 The judgement of 判断
    the committee shall be final and irrevocable. 该委员会应是最终的和不可改变的。
    Art.6 Organisation and award ceremony art.6组织及颁奖典礼
    On Saturday 15th September, the authors of the works previously selected by 上周六,九月十五日,由先前选定的作品的作者
    the Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan will be invited to Friuli Venezia Giulia. 在米兰设计的Istituto Europeo迪将被邀请到弗留利-威尼斯朱利亚。
    During the Friuli DOC festival, the jury will judge the works on display. 弗留利DOC节期间,陪审团将判断上展出的作品。
    The first three artists in the rankings of both groups will be awarded a 两组的排名前三的艺术家将被授予
    selection of fine wines from Friuli. 从弗留利的美酒选择。
    The prize-winning works shall be the property of Movimento Turismo del Vino FVG. 获奖作品应是的Movimento赛车德尔维诺FVG财产。
    The prizes: 奖品:
    For each of the two groups, the prizes will be the following: 1st prize - 75 两组各奖项将于以下内容:头奖- 75
    bottles; 2nd prize - 50 bottles; 3rd prize - 25 bottles 瓶;二等奖- 50瓶;三等奖- 25瓶
    Movimento Turismo del Vino does not guarantee delivery abroad. movimento赛车德尔维诺不保证交付国外。
    Art.7 Liability art.7责任
    The artists hereby hold all liabilities regarding the content and 艺术家在此举行的所有负债有关内容
    authenticity of the works presented and hereby authorize the organisers to 作品的真实性,特此授权主办单位
    publish and exhibit their works without any further notice. 发布和展示他们的作品,没有任何进一步的通知。 The authors of 作者
    the works shall grant Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia the 的作品,应给予Movimento赛车德尔维诺弗留利-威尼斯朱利亚,
    free of charge publication and sole rights of the images. 负责出版和图像的唯一权利的自由。 The artworks will 这些作品将
    not be given back to the artists. 不能归还给艺术家。 Otherwise, the works shall be considered 否则,应视为工程
    as donated to Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia. 作为捐赠Movimento赛车德尔维诺弗留利-威尼斯朱利亚。 The “
    artists shall, however, retain the artworks copyright with regard to third 然而,艺术家应保留至第三方面的作品版权
    parties who, upon authorisation, may apply to re-use the works. 各方谁,授权后,可以申请重新使用该作品。 The “
    competing artists hereby agree to the processing and communication 竞争艺术家兹同意处理和通信
    of their personal detailas in the context of, and for the aims of, the 其个人detailas的背景下,为目标,
    competition. 竞争。
    Art.8 Acceptance of the regulations of the notice of competition art.8的竞争通知规定的验收
    The participation to the competition implies the complete and 参与竞争意味着完整和
    unconditional acceptance of these regulations. 这些法规的无条件接受。 Data submitted will be 将提交的数据
    treated in full compliance with the provisions of Law 196/2003 (privacy). 处理与法律196/2003(私隐)条例的规定,完全符合。

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    # 1934楼

  • 景山漫画发表于2012-06-08 06:55|


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    # 1935楼

  • 景山漫画发表于2012-06-08 12:46|

    Cartoon festival "Smileanapa" Russia2012

    SMEHANAPA@mail.ruThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

    Dear cartoonist!

    Theme of the festival: "Our police officer" (the police officer which job is dangerous and difficult, sometimes gets in the funny situation ...).

    Supplementary theme: "Police School".

    Final term of reception of any work: August 1, 2012.

    The format for originals or high-quality copies: A-4 (210 X 297 mm).
    Adress: Prokhorov A.M. "SMILEANAPA" General post-offis, box 14, Anapa, Krasnodarsky region, RUSSIA 353 440

    The format for caricatures in an electronic form: JPEG (300 dpi), max. 3 MB.
    E-mail: SMEHANAPA@mail.ruThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

    Prizes, catalogs and diplomas for winners and participants of the final exhibition


    SMEHANAPA@mail.ruThis E-mail地址已经被防止灌水恶意程式保护。你需要启动Javascript才能观看它





    地址:Prokhorov A.M. "SMILEANAPA" General post-offis, box 14, Anapa, Krasnodarsky region, RUSSIA 353 440

    以电子形式的漫画格式:JPEG(300 DPI),最大。 3 MB的。
    电子邮件:SMEHANAPA@mail.ruThis E-mail地址已经被防止灌水恶意程式保护。你需要启动Javascript才能观看它


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    # 1936楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-08 15:25|

    Üçge第二届国际漫画大赛2012/2。 UCGE Uluslararasi Karikatur Yarismasi 2012 UCGE Uluslararasi Karikatur Yarismasi 2012  
    2012.06.07 - 17:10:46 2012年6月7日 - 十七时10分46秒  

    2nd ÜÇGE International Cartoon Contest-2012 ÜÇGE第二届国际漫画大赛2012年

    Subject: Shopping is life 主题:购物是生活
    Rules and regulations: 规则:
    1. 1。 The cartoon contest is open to all cartoonist of the world. 漫画大赛是世界上所有的漫画家。
    2. 2。 Cartoons can be sent by e-mail or by post. 漫画可以通过电子邮件或以邮寄方式发送。 In case of necessity, the executive committee is entitled to request the original cartoons from the participants. 在必要的情况下,执行委员会有权要求与会者从原来的漫画。
    Below are the contact details: 下面是联系方式:
    E-mail : info@anadolukarikaturculerdernegi.org 电子邮件:info@anadolukarikaturculerdernegi.org
    Address: Anadolu Karikatürcüler Derneği, Hüdavendigar Mh. 地址:阿纳杜鲁,Hüdavendigar氢KarikatürcülerDerneği。 Hısım Sk. hısımSK。 No:1/19 Osmangazi / Bursa / Turkey Tel: +90 224 235 65 00 编号:1/19 Osmangazi /布尔萨/土耳其电话:+90 224 235 65 00
    3. 3。 Cartoons need to be in A4 size and JPG format with 300 dpi resolution. 漫画需要在A4大小的JPG格式,300 dpi的分辨率。 Cartoons in different formats will be disqualified. 在不同格式的漫画,将被取消参赛资格。
    4. 4。 The cartoons must not have been awarded before. 漫画不能被授予。
    5. 5。 Curriculum Vitae (CV) including contact details and a photo is required in word format (doc). 简历(简历),包括联系方式和照片须以Word格式(DOC)。
    6. 6。 Maximum 5 cartoons per artist are allowed in the contest. 在比赛中允许最多不超过5%漫画艺术家。
    7. 7。 All rights of the submitted cartoons are transferred to ÜÇGE Company for use in different platforms. 所提交的漫画全部权利转让,ÜÇGE公司在不同的平台使用。 Cartoon artists cannot claim any charges for the use of their cartoons by ÜÇGE. 卡通艺术家不能声称他们的漫画由ÜÇGE利用任何费用。 ÜÇGE has the right to publish submitted cartoons at different media organs providingö the artists' signature. ÜÇGE有权发布在不同的媒体机构提交的卡通providingö艺术家的签名。
    8. 8。 Exhibited cartoons cannot be claimed back. 展出的漫画不能索回。
    9. 9。 Deadline for the contest is the 20th July 2012. 比赛截止日期是2012年7月20日。
    10. 10。 Cartoons chosen for the grand finale will be published online at http://www.ucge.com/karikaturyarismasi/ between 23rd and 27th July. 压轴的选择卡通将在网上公布,在23日和27日之间的http://www.ucge.com/karikaturyarismasi/。 At this period, cartoons will be publicly available for evaluation for authenticity, and any inquiries for fraud will be further considered by the organization committee. 在此期间,动画片将公开评价的真实性,欺诈有任何疑问,将进一步组织委员会审议。 After this date, objections to authenticity will not be considered. 在此日期之后,真伪有异议将不予考虑。
    11. 11。 The jury will meet on the 28th of July 2012 and the winner will be announced on the 30th of July 2012. 陪审团将满足2012年7月28日,并将于2012年7月30日宣布获胜者。
    12. 12。 Award ceremony and the exhibition dates will be announced later. 颁奖仪式和展览日期将于稍后公布。
    13. 13。 All participants who take part in the contest are assumed to be aware of the above-mentioned rules and regulations. 参加比赛的一部分的所有参与者都被假定为了解上述规则和规例。 Cartoons which do not comply with the above-mentioned rules and regulations will be disqualified from the contest. 从比赛将被取消参赛资格不符合上述规则和规例的卡通。
    Awards; 奖;
    1st Place 2.000 USD 第一名2.000美元
    2nd Place 1.000 USD 第二名1.000美元
    3rd Place 500 USD 第三名500美元
    Honorable mentions will be given to three participants (plaquet) 佳作将给予三个参与者(plaquet)
    The Anatolian Cartoonists Association special prize (plaquet) 安纳托利亚漫画家协会特别奖(plaquet)
    Ahmet Aykanat艾哈迈德Aykanat
    The Anatolian Cartoonists Association安纳托利亚漫画家协会

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    # 1937楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-10 19:45|

    International Cartoon Contest "Perm+Culture= Europe" 国际漫画大赛“的权限+文化=欧洲”

    Regulations of the Competition 比赛办法

    In the Perm region is the activity of the initiative "Perm - Cultural Capital of Europe." 在彼尔姆地区是该倡议的活动。“彼尔姆-欧洲文化首都” The competition for the title "Cultural Capital of Europe" held the European Union, initiated the project in Perm Minister of Culture, Youth and Mass Communications Alexander Protasiewicz Perm. “欧洲文化首都”为标题的竞争举行的欧洲联盟,在彼尔姆的文化,青年和大众传播的亚历山大Protasiewicz权限的部长发起的项目。

    Perm is taking an active part in discussions of possible changes in the conditions of participation in the competition "European Capital of Culture" cities of the countries that are not EU members such as Russia. 权限在参与竞争的条件正在讨论可能发生的变化,积极参与国家的城市“欧洲文化首都”是欧盟的成员,俄罗斯干。

    Perm is a kind of "locomotive" for those countries who are not part of the EU. 彼尔姆是一个“火车头”,为这些国家不是欧盟的一部分。 Thus, this project brings not only a cultural but also political significance. 因此,这个项目带来的不仅是文化,而且具有政治意义。 More than forty cities from Stockholm to Genoa, including Athens, Glasgow, Krakow and Porto, have already received the title of "Cultural Capital of Europe." 超过40个城市从斯德哥尔摩到热那亚,包括雅典,格拉斯哥,克拉科夫和波尔图,已经收到标题为“欧洲文化首都”。 He was assigned to the city, not only for its cultural heritage, but also for what activities are planned over a year, as the infrastructure, urban environment, citizens' initiatives and the creative community. 他被分配到城市,不仅为它的文化遗产,但也为计划的活动一年多来,基础设施,城市环境,一个公民的积极性和创造性的社会。 They can get in the future, and Perm. 他们可以在未来和权限。

    In the framework of the "Perm - Cultural Capital of Europe" declared the International Competition of visual humor, "Perm + Culture = Europe." 在“权限-欧洲文化首都”的框架内申报视觉幽默的国际竞争力,“彼尔姆+文化=欧洲。”

    The competition is held for development and support of the cartoons, humor and satire in the genre of small graphics, building creative and professional international contacts, promotion of Perm and Perm region. 比赛举行的漫画,幽默和讽刺的风格的小图形,建设创意和专业的国际交往,促进彼尔姆和Perm地区的发展和支持。 In addition, one of the goals of the contest - to identify and support young cartoonists. 此外,比赛的目标之一-确定和支持年轻的漫画家。

    The main theme of the contest: "Perm - Cultural Capital of Europe." 比赛的主旋律:“权限-欧洲文化首都。”

    At the end of the contest winners will be revealed. 在大赛中获奖的最终将被揭示。 As the project has an international character, the names of the authors of the best works will be performed in the European media space. 由于该项目具有国际性质的,最好的作品的作者的名字将在欧洲的媒体空间。 There will also be an exhibition of works as part of "Perm - Cultural Capital of Europe", where the general public will be able to read the works of the winners. 也将有一个作为“权限-欧洲文化首都”的一部分作品展览,广大市民将能够读获奖者的作品。

    The main prize - a three-day tour in Perm with a cultural program. 主要奖项-在彼尔姆为期三天的旅游与文化节目。

    In addition, a special prize will be appointed by the Minister of Culture, Youth and Mass Communications Alexander Protasiewicz. 此外,将任命一个特别奖,由文化,青年和大众传媒部长亚历山大Protasiewicz。

    Dates: 日期:
    Acceptance of papers: from June 7 to June 28, 2012, 验收文件:从6月7日至2012年6月28日,
    The work of the jury from June 29 to July 3, 2012 2012年7月3日,陪审团工作从6月29日

    The choice of prize-winning works of the jury and the organizers reserve, based on the position of the competition. 获奖作品的评委和主办单位保留选择的基础上的竞争地位。

    The solemn conclusions on 6 July. 7月6日,庄严的结论。

    Conditions and procedure for participation 与会的条件和程序

    A. The competition is open, it can participate as professional artists and amateurs. 答:竞争是开放的,它可以作为专业艺术家和业余爱好者参加。

    Two. 两个。 The competition will only be accepted authors original work. 竞争将只接受作者的原创作品。

    Three. 三。 We consider the work, sent by e-mail (. Jpg, 300dpi). 我们考虑的工作,发送电子邮件(JPG,300DPI)。

    4. 4 Technique - any. 技术-任何。

    Five. 五。 Number of entries is unlimited, at least 2 work. 条目的数量是无限的,至少有两项工作。

    6. 6 Sent to the contest works remain in the meeting of the organizing committee of the competition. 发送到大赛作品留在本次比赛的组委会会议。

    7. 7 Application form must be filled in block letters in Russian or English (the form of the questionnaire is attached). 正楷俄语或英语(调查问卷的形式附后),必须填写申请表格。

    Eight. 八。 Sent to the contest can work on display at exhibitions in museums and galleries in the Perm region in the discretion of the organizers, and can also be posted on the official accounts of the project "Perm - Cultural Capital of Europe" in social networks: 发送到竞赛工作在彼尔姆地区的组织者决定在博物馆和画廊的展览展示,也可以张贴在社交网络上的权限项目“欧洲文化首都” -官方帐户:

    https://twitter.com/PermStolitsa https://twitter.com/PermStolitsa
    http://www.facebook.com/permstolitsa http://www.facebook.com/permstolitsa
    http://perm-stolitsa.livejournal.com/ http://perm-stolitsa.livejournal.com/
    http://vk.com/perm.culture http://vk.com/perm.culture

    9. 9 The organizers undertake to specify the full name of the author, all publications in the country. 主办单位承担指定的作者,在该国的所有出版物的全名。

    10. 10 The copyright for the image, title and text of the works of the author, it is not alienated. 图像,标题和文本作者的作品的著作权,它是不会疏远。 The author is responsible for their works in accordance with the laws of Russia. 笔者是根据俄罗斯法律,在他们的作品负责。

    11. 11日 The fact of the competition means that the parties shall take all terms of the competition. 本次比赛的事实,意味着各方应采取竞争的所有条款。

    Special conditions 特别条件

    A. At the opening of the exhibition and award ceremony of winners can come to everyone, after informing the organizers of the competition. 答:在获奖的展览和颁奖仪式的开幕式可以来给大家后,通知比赛的组织者。 The costs of travel and accommodation, they are themselves. 旅行和食宿的费用,他们自己。

    Two. 两个。 Organizers and sponsors of the competition may enter several special prizes after the receipt of all the work for the competition. 收到比赛的所有工作后,组织者和赞助商的竞争可能会进入几个特别奖。

    We will wait for your applications for the competition and your work e-mail the International Cartoon Contest "Perm + Culture = Europe» 我们将等待您的应用程序的竞争,您的工作电子邮件的国际漫画大赛“权限+文化=欧洲»

    caricature-perm@yandex.ru. caricature-perm@yandex.ru。

    The application form for participation in the Contest 参加竞赛的申请表格

    Full Name 姓名

    About Me 关于我
    Your experience in the field of caricature (participation in competitions, exhibitions) 你的经验,在漫画领域(参加比赛,展览)

    Your Age 你的年龄

    Country 国家

    * Your comments, suggestions. *你的意见,建议。

    For comments, please contact the press service of the Bureau of the project "Perm - European Capital of Culture": 征求意见,请按服务项目局的“权限-欧洲文化首都”联系:
    e-mail: perm.europe.pr @ yandex.ru 电子邮箱:perm.europe.pr @ yandex.ru
    Valentine Balakhnin, tel. 8-902-63-44-220, 情人Balakhnin,电话8-902-63-44-220,
    Anastasia Kayacheva, tel. 8-919-499-73-91. 阿纳斯塔西娅Kayacheva,电话8-919-499-73-91。

    *** ***

    Sincerely, 真诚的,
    Organizer of the International Cartoon Contest, 国际漫画大赛的组织者
    Perm Project Office "Perm - Cultural Capital of Europe" 项目办公室的权限的权限-欧洲文化首都“

    Russia, 614007, Perm 俄罗斯,614 007,彼尔姆
    Street. 街。 Revolution, 3/7, office 307 革命“,3/7,307办公室
    Tel. 电话。 / Fax: +7 (342) 216 83 66 电话/传真:+7(342)216 83 66

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    # 1938楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-11 15:40|


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    # 1939楼

  • haohao发表于2012-06-11 18:03|


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    # 1940楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-12 14:09|


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    # 1941楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-12 14:10|


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    # 1942楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-12 19:55|

    Written by Syria Cartoon 由叙利亚卡通书面  
    Monday, 11 June 2012 18:53 2012年6月11日(星期一)18:53  

    PRERAG, International Cartoon Humour Competition / Slovakia PRERAG,国际卡通幽默大赛 / 斯洛伐克
    مسابقة سلوفاكيا الدولية مسابقةسلوفاكياالدولية

    الموضوع: الميزان الموضوع:الميزان
    يمكن المشاركة ب 5 رسم أصلية بحجم 21×29 سم على أن تصل الرسوم قبل 30/9/2012 يمكنالمشاركةب5رسمأصليةبحجم21×29سمعلىأنتصلالرسومقبل30/9/2012
    إلى العنوان التالي: إلىالعنوانالتالي:
    PRERAG, združenie PRERAG,združenie
    Mgr. 经理。 Peter Rázus 彼得Rázus
    Dubová 5 dubová5
    08001 PREŠOV 08001普雷绍夫
    Slovakia 斯洛伐克

    ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المادية والخاصة ستوزعالعديدمنالجوائزالماديةوالخاصة

    Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back 脑打喷嚏- ,从kalokagathia疑和背部

    Topic 2012 : BALANCE 2012年主题:资产

    Competition terms : 竞争方面:

    1.Each author can send maximum 5 original works. 1.Each作者可以发送最多5个原创作品。
    2.The competition is open to everybody and is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods. 2,竞争是对所有人开放,并没有在艺术设计方法方面的限制。
    3.The format of works should not exceed the A4 dimension. 3,作品格式应不超过A4尺寸。
    4.The competition is non-anonymous. 4,竞争非匿名。
    5.The works can be sent either online, by filling the electronic application form, or via regular mail, with each work signed on the reverse with the author´s name and their address. 5,作品可以通过在线发送,填写电子申请表格,或通过普通邮件,每件作品作者的名字和他们的地址反向签署。
    6.The rewarded works will become the property of the organiser. 6,奖励的作品将成为主办单位的财产。

    Deadline : 30th September 2012 截止日期:九月三十日止2012年

    The exhibition of the works and the announcement of the results will take place in October 2012 in Prešov. 工程的展览和结果的公布将在2012年10月在普雷绍夫的地方。 The most successful authors will be awarded by the international jury as follows: 最成功的作者将获得由国际评委会如下:

    1st prize 500.00 EUR 头奖500.00欧元
    2nd prize 300.00 EUR 二等奖300.00欧元
    3rd prize 100.00 EUR 三等奖100.00欧元

    The competition Jury reserves the right to grant other special prizes or not to grant some of the prizes. 大赛评委会有权授予其他特殊奖品或不给予一些奖品。

    The organisers will accept all the works that will be delivered online at the web address: 主办单位将接受所有的作品,将提供在线的网址:

    http://www.cartooneast.com/index/registration http://www.cartooneast.com/index/registration

    or the works that will be sent by regular mail to the address: 作品将通过普通邮件发送到的地址:

    PRERAG, združenie PRERAG,združenie
    Mgr. 经理。 Peter Rázus 彼得Rázus
    Dubová 5 dubová5
    08001 PREŠOV 08001普雷绍夫
    Slovakia 斯洛伐克

    Please, sign the envelope with the motto: Brain Sneezing 请,请使用信封的座右铭:脑打喷嚏

    The organisers reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition. 主办单位有权发布的宣传材料,并重新安装该展览的入选作品。 The catalogue will be sent to each competitor whose works will be published in the catalogue. 该目录将被发送到每个竞争者的作品将在公布的目录。

    The authors agree that their works become the property of the organisers at no charge, that copies of their works might be made and used in re-installing the exhibition in other venues and that their works might be published free of charge in order to promote the exhibition. 作者同意,他们的作品成为不负责财产的组织者,其作品的复制品,可能会在重新安装在其他场地,展览和使用他们的作品可能会免费公布,以促进展览。

    E-mail : 电子邮箱: info@cartooneast.com

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    # 1943楼

  • haohao发表于2012-06-12 20:41|


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    # 1944楼

  • zy7273发表于2012-06-12 21:14|


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    # 1945楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-13 15:07|

    Theme: Press without Press 主题:没有新闻的新闻

    Deadline:October 1, 2012 截止日期:2012年10月1日,

    Chairman of the contest jury:Mikhail Zlatkovsky 大赛评委会主席:米哈伊尔Zlatkovsky

    Contest Rules: The international contest, «Press Without Press» is open for participation to everyone. 竞赛规则:国际大赛,“记者无新闻”的参与是向所有人开放。 The New Izvestia's jury accepts new caricatures as well as the works which were previously exhibited or awarded at other contests.最新消息报“的陪审团接受新的漫画,以及在授予或其他竞赛,这在以前是展出的作品。 However, the jury will give preference to authors of new pictures while choosing the contest prize winners.然而,陪审团将优先考虑新的图片的作者,而选择比赛的得奖者。

    Techniques: Authors are allowed to use any kind of drawing techniques including computer graphics. 技巧:作者被允许使用任何一种计算机图形技术博览会绘制。

    Images: All caricatures must be submitted only electronically via a special form at the New Izvestia website. 图片:漫画必须通过一个唯一的电子提交在新的消息报“网站的特殊形式 。 Maximum size of a submitted picture is 3 MB, minimum length of the caricature's bigger side is 2400 px.提交的图片的最大尺寸为3 MB,漫画的更大方的最小长度为2400像素。 We accept only .jpg files.我们只接受JPG文件。

    Deadline: The deadline of the contest is October 1, 2012. 截止日期:比赛的截止日期是2012年10月1日。

    Contest Prizes: 比赛奖品:

    * Main prize – $1.500 *主奖 - $ 1,500
    * Second prize – $1.000 *二等奖 - $ 1,000
    * Third prize – $500三等奖 - 500元
    * Ten Diplomas of Honor *荣誉文凭

    According to the laws of the Russian Federation, all money prizes are taxable.根据俄罗斯联邦法律,所有的钱奖金是应税的。

    Exhibitions and publications: 100 best caricatures will be printed in the contest catalogue and will be exhibited at the New Izvestia editorial office and at one or more exhibition hall(s) in Moscow. 展览和出版物:100家最佳漫画将被印在产品目录和比赛将在新的消息报“编辑部和一个或多个展馆(S)在莫斯科展出。 The expositions will be held in November 2012.该博览会将于2012年11月。

    Chairman of the contest jury is Mikhail Zlatkovsky – a political caricaturist, New Izvestia. 大赛评委会主席是政治Zlatkovsky米哈伊尔 -漫画家,新却给。

    The contest organizers reserve the right to use submitted works at their discretion with no compensations to authors.竞赛主办单位有权使用参赛作品,他们的自由裁量权,没有作者的赔偿。

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    # 1946楼

  • 景山漫画发表于2012-06-13 19:04|

    【英文原文信息】1st International Cartoon Humor Contest "Witches &Sorcerer "Spain2012

    1 Whoever can participate in this contest any artist, amateur or professional, is a competition open internationally.

    2 The competition theme is: "Witchcraft, Witches & Sorcerer“

    3 The participant may only send 2 originals. The works must be original and should not have been awarded previously. Works considered plagiarism will be disqualified by the jury

    4 The works can be executed in any graphic or pictorial technique in a maximum size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm) and with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

    5 If the work or works presented have any text must present a document in Word or PDF attachment to the translation into Catalan or Spanish.

    6 Artwork must be sent through the Internet in jpg or jpeg, along with a Word or PDF file which declares the author's data (name, address, nationality, phone, email, website, etc.) at the following e-mail: humorakelarre@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
    7 The admission of the works will be until on 29 July 2012. During the first week of August will meet the judges for the selection of works and selection of the winner.

    8 It shall be a jury consisting of members of the Town Council of Cervera, the Festival Committee of Aquelarre, Museum of Cervera and Humoràlia. The decision will be without appeal and shall have the authority to resolve any questions that may arise from the process.

    9 From of 22 August 2012, selected works will be exhibited in the Cervera Museum and in the websites http://humoralialleida.blogspot.com.es - http://www.museudecervera.cat . The jury reserves the right to declare nule prize if the works quality is not good, and if participation is not enough.

    10 The author is obliged to give the image rights of the work submitted for publication and exhibition, both physical and digital, exclusively for the competition and the diffusion of future editions of the same competition. Out of these cases, the organization is committed to not using the image of the winning and other award winning pieces, without prior permission of the author. Once the exhibition finished, the works printed, will not be send to the authors. The organization also is responsible for the proper use of pictures in their publications or digital media. The organization undertakes to inform the reception and acceptance of the works to its participating authors via e-mail

    11 There is an only single prize of 1000 euros for the winner.

    12 The verdict will be announced through the website of the Town Council of Cervera previously informing the winner of the contest during the month of August 2012.

    13 Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the terms and conditions. Any questions or problems that may arise during this time, the organization through its members will solve this in a statement.

    Cervera, April 2012.





    4作品可以执行在任何图形或图案的技术,在最大的DIN A3尺寸(420x297毫米),最小分辨率为300 dpi。


    6作品必须连同Word或PDF格式的文件,宣布以下的E-mail提交的数据(姓名,地址,国籍,电话,电子邮件,网站等),通过互联网JPG或JPEG发送:humorakelarre @ gmail.comThis E-mail地址已经被防止灌水恶意程式保护。你需要启动Javascript才能观看它



    从2012年8月22日,9日,入选作品将被展出塞尔韦拉博物馆在在网站http://humoralialleida.blogspot.com.es - http://www.museudecervera.cat中。陪审团保留的权利申报nule奖,如果工程质量不好,如果参与是不够的。






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    # 1947楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-14 16:16|



    主题 :“战区”

    editionofthe InternationalCartoonContestisorganizedbythe ProLocoofGallarate
    forculturalpurposes,toattestthe worthycreative contentsofthoughtand的幽默
    pluralisticand开放的态度socialrelationship。  临买卖willorganize“的幽默
    Exhibitioninthe负盛名的“MAGA”博物馆ArtGallarate www.museomaga.it
    thisyearthe主题chosenforthe 18 editionof“HumouraGallarate - GrandPrixMarco
    BIassoni“是”战区“,其中有townofGallarate isactuallyhome to4theaters
    artistictradition,每一个atheatre seasonandadifferentkindofaudience。
    1)Thecontestisopen toallprofessionalcartoonists,漫画家,illustratorsand图形
    artistsfrom alloverthe世界。  contestisarticulated在3节(图形/卡通,
    2)主题 :影院生活,双,truthandverisimilar,舞台,表演,actorsandaudience。
    3)项:max.3works。  theworksmustbeoriginalandaccompaniedbytheauthor'sphoto
    orcaricature,入门形式andbiography。  eachworkshouldbearthesignatureormarkofthe
    theauthorhavetoindicatethesectionforeachwork /秒。
    5)技术:免费。  commongraphicanddigitalprintswillbeacceptedbutonlyifsignedby
    theauthor。  Copiesofinkand pencildrawingsarenotapplicable。  theworkssentin数字
    大奖赛“MarcoBiassoni”; theworkswillbetakenintoconsiderationonlyfortheexhibitionandfor

    6)截止日期 :10月1日,2012年 (thepost-markwillprovidetheproof)
    格兰“MarcoBiassoni的 ”forthebestworkbetweenallsections(图形/卡通,讽刺,
    SpecialPrizeOsvaldoCavandoli“卡瓦 ”(creatorofthefamouscharacter LaLinea“)满心欢喜

    - 11月11


    10)物业:“Organizersreservesthe rightsto重现cartoonsin目 录
    locationsinItalyandothercountries。  alltheworkswillnotbereturnedandwillbeincludedin
    bysubmittingthe作品,authoracceptsthe的rulesandregulationsofthe Contestandthe
    proloco.gallarate @ libero.it | www.prolocogallarate.it
    www.fanofunny.com /客人/ humourgallarate的




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    # 1948楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-18 10:59|

    7th International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival " "PHILOSOPHY" " 第七届国际埃斯基谢希尔节卡通“,”哲学“”
    7 November-30 November 11月7日- 11月30日 2012, Eskisehir 2012年,埃斯基谢希尔
    Turkey 土耳其

    Dear cartoonist friend, 亲爱的漫画家朋友,

    Cartoonists all around the world participated to the international cartoon festivals which were organized by Active philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Assosiation in Istanbul in the recent years. 漫画家世界各地参加国际漫画节,通过举办活动的理念,近年来在耶尼Yuksektepe伊斯坦布尔文化Assosiation的。 The first festival's subject we arranged was mixed(1997); the second festival's subject was “East and West”(2000); the third festival's subject was “Water and Life”(2003), the fourth festival's subject was “Global Warming”(2005), the fifth festival's subject was “Intercultural Tolerance”(2007), the sixth festival's subject was “Energy” (2009) – in total 30 countries, 431 cartoonists, 1209 cartoons-. 的第一节日的中安排主题是混合(1997年),在第二个节的主题是“东方和西方”(2000年),在第三节的主题“水与生命”(2003年),在第四节的主题是“全球变暖”( 2005年),第五次电影节的主题是“文化间的容忍”(2007),第六届艺术节的主题是“能源”(2009) -在总共30个国家,431漫画家,漫画-1209。 This year, the festival will be held in Eskisehir which is the cultural capital of Turkey. 今年,电影节将举行埃斯基谢希尔这是土耳其的文化资本。 The festival is called 7th International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival and will be organized by Active philosophy- Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Assosiation as usual. 这个节日被称为埃斯基谢希尔第七届国际动漫节将通过举办活动的理念,像往常一样耶尼Yuksektepe文化Assosiation。 Anadolu University which is a world wide known university, Anadolu University Center of Investigation and Application of Cartoon Art and Museum of Cartoon Art will incorporate and participate in the festival. 这阿纳多卢大学是一个世界性的著名高校,阿纳多卢大学的调查与卡通艺术和卡通艺术博物馆中的应用中心将纳入和参与的节日。 <![endif]>

    The subject of the 7th International Cartoon Festival which will be held in Eskisehir this year is 'philosophy'. 第七届国际动漫节,,埃斯基谢希尔将在今年举行的主题是“哲学”。

    Philosophy comes from Philosophia meaning 哲学来自睿哲意义 "the love of wisdom". ; “爱智慧”。;

    It contains theory and practice together regarding the definition of "wisdom" although it is underestimated to a speculative brain gymnastics in which some mental ropes are tied and untied today. 它包含了理论和实践方面的定义为“智慧”,虽然它被低估是一个投机性的大脑体操,其中一些精神绳索捆绑和解开今天。

    Because wisdom is the experiences that leads individuals and communities to virtue and kindness in the light of true knowledge. 因为智慧是个人和社区造成真正的知识,美德和善良的经验。 With this aspect, philosophy emphasizes the togetherness of thought, feeling and action as an art of living despite being thought otherwise. 这方面,哲学强调,尽管被认为否则作为一种生活的艺术思想,感觉和行动的统一性。 The individual who studies philosophy or who is a philosopher applies what is learned, doesn't ignore the problems related to nature or mankind and chooses to be the part of the solution not the problem by knowing one's self and nature while learning throughout whole life. 研究哲学的人或者是一个哲学家适用据悉,不忽略自然或人类的有关问题和选择问题的解决方案不知道一个人的自我与自然的学习,而纵观整个生命的一部分。

    Regarding this definition, philosophy means working because of love without losing humanist values or sensitiveness, doesn't mean watching below from ivory towers. 关于这个定义,意味着爱的哲学,因为不失人文价值或敏感,并不意味着从象牙塔下面观看。

    Our association taking these values which have been emphasized by the tradition of 'Philosophy Schools in the classical manner' throughout ages as a model, applies the real definition of philosophy into the life by doing many activities in different areas with the professional volunteer consciousness and calling this 'ACTIVE PHILOSOPHY'. 我们协会正在考虑这些值都被强调哪一个传统的整个的年龄作为一个模式适用于融入生活,做的专业志愿意识的领域很多不同的活动,并呼吁的哲学的真正定义“方式古典哲学的学校”这种“积极的哲学”。 Because of this, this year's subject was chosen as 'PHILOSOPHY' after the sixth year of the festival. 正因为如此,今年的主题被选定为“哲学”之后的第六个年头的节日。 Moreover, 20 November 2012 will be celebrated as World Philosophy Day. 此外,将于2012年11月20日为“世界哲学日庆祝。 In these celebrations, there will be exhibitions with the subject 'philosophy'. 在这些庆祝活动中,会有与“哲学”主题展览。

    We, Active philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association, expect different comments on the subject 'Philosophy' from all cartoonists. 我们主动的理念,耶尼Yuksektepe文化协会,希望所有漫画家的主体哲学“的不同意见。

    The cartoons to be exhibited during the festival in Eskisehir will also be exhibited in other branches of our association which are in other cities of Turkey such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Eskisehir, Adana, Antalya, Van, Bursa, Izmit, Mersin, Manisa, Aydın and associations in abroad which collabarates with Active philosophy, Yeni Yuksektepe; for people who are interested in art. 在我们的协会在土耳其干其他城市如伊斯坦布尔,安卡拉,伊兹密尔,埃斯基谢希尔,阿达纳,安塔利亚,厢式车,布尔萨,伊兹米特,梅尔辛,马尼萨其他部门要展出的漫画在埃斯基谢希尔节期间还将展出艾登和在国外的活动理念,耶尼Yuksektepe对于那些对艺术感兴趣的人,collabarates协会。 Anadolu University and Museum of Cartoon Art will exhibit these cartoons in other international museums of cartoon which they cooperate with. 阿纳多卢大学和卡通艺术博物馆将展出这些漫画,在他们配合其他国际漫画博物馆。

    We would like to invite you to the 7th International Cartoon Festival which will be held on 7 November-30 November 2012 with your talented cartoons. 我们想邀请您参加第七届国际动漫节,将于2012年11月与你有才华的漫画于11月7日30。

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    # 1949楼

  • 贾锐军发表于2012-06-19 09:16|

    AXI&Aacute;L Nemzetk&ouml;zi Karikatúra Pályázat 2012轴向国际漫画大赛2012年
    2012. 2012th június.六月。 15. 15 péntek, 14:38 | Aktuális hírek - Axiál周五,14时38 | 当前新闻 - 轴向

    Téma: Mezőgazdasági, építőipari, és raktár technológiai G&Eacute;PEK主题:农业,建筑,和存储技术的机

    A bajai k&ouml;zpontú AXI&Aacute;L Kft. mezőgazdasági, építőipari és raktár-technológiai gépek forgalmazójaként Nemzetk&ouml;zi Karikatúra Pályázatot ír ki.分销商作为一个国际卡通应用在农业,建筑机械和存储技术为基础的巴哈轴有限公司写道。

    A cég által Magyarországon forgalmazott márkák: Agrifac, Annaburger, Budissa Bag, Framest, Berthoud, Gregoire Besson, Horsch, Hyundai, Gehl, Supertino, Sulky, CLAAS, Tume, Monosem, Oehler, Romill, Fendt, Manitou, Landini, OMG, CLM, Arcusin, Supertino, Hidromek és RMH. Agrifac,Annaburger,Budissa袋,框架,Berthoud,格雷瓜尔·贝松,Horsch,现代,GEHL,Supertino,易怒,克拉斯,Tume,Monosem,奥勒尔,Romilla,芬特,曼尼,兰迪尼,妈呀,CLM的:由品牌公司在匈牙利 ,Arcusin,Supertino,和RMH Hidromek。

    A pályázatban való részvétel feltétele, hogy a karikatúrában a fent felsorolt márkák gépei k&ouml;zül egy szabadon választott márka, egy szabadon választott gépe jelenjen meg - lehet az traktor, talajmunkagép, targonca, stb.参与申请的条件是在品牌的选择,选择显示机器的机器上面列出的品牌卡通 - 可能是拖拉机,耕作设备,叉车等。

    A mintául szolgáló gépek típusai a cég honlapján, a www.axial.hu címen megtekinthetők!样品类型的机器,该公司的网站,可以被看作在www.axial.hu!
    A téma szabad!自由的主题! Szárnyalhat a fantázia, p&ouml;r&ouml;ghet az agy, hiszen a mezőgazdaság, az építőipar és az üzemek, remek témákkal szolgálnak.六,飙升的想象力,p&ouml;r&ouml;ghet大脑,农业,建筑和公用设施,优秀的科目。

    1.) A pályázaton minden 18. 1)本次比赛是每18 életévét bet&ouml;lt&ouml;tt amatőr vagy profi alkotó részt vehet.岁可能参与形成一个业余或专业。 Maximum 3 db pályamunkát várunk A/4-es vagy A/3-as formátumban, technikai megk&ouml;t&ouml;ttség nélkül.最多3项欢迎A4或A3幅面,没有技术的限制。

    2.) A pályamunkák postán vagy e-mail-ben is elküldhetők, a pályázat szervezője részére. 2)参赛作品通过邮寄或电子邮件发送,为项目经理。 (jpg; A/4; 300DPI; jó vagy kiváló minőségben) (JPG / 4,分辨率为300dpi,良好的高品质)
    - Posta cím: Kelemen István, HUNGARY 6500 Baja, Bajza J. - 邮政地址:斯蒂芬·克莱门特,匈牙利6500,Bajza研究 u. U。 19. 19
    - e-mail cím: grafikuskelemen@gmail.com - E-mail地址:grafikuskelemen@gmail.com

    3.) A pályamunkák beérkezésének határideje: 2012. 3)收到参赛作品的截止日期为:2012th augusztus 27. 8月27日

    4.) A zsűrizés időpontja: 2012. 4)评审日期:2012th augusztus 31. 8月31日 A zsűri d&ouml;ntése nem megkérdőjelezhető!陪审团不容质疑!

    5.) A zsűri által kiválasztott munkákból katalógus készül, melyet 2012. 5)从目录陪审团选定的工作,准备由2012th november 31-ig megküldünk az érintett alkotók részére. 11月31日是发送的创造者。

    6.) Díjak: 6)奖品:
    I.我 helyezés nettó 150.000 Ft放置一个净商品来源英国当地价:&pound;150,000
    II.二。 helyezés nettó 100.000 Ft放置一个净&pound;100,000
    III.第三。 helyezés nettó 75.000 Ft发出商品来源英国当地价:&pound;75,000净
    + 5 db Diploma学历+ 5
    A nyertesektől az eredeti pályamunkákat bekérjük!获奖作品将被要求从原来的!

    7.) A pályázók munkái folyamatosan megtekinthetők lesznek a www.axial.hu weboldalon. 7)申请人有工作连续观看www.axial.hu网站。

    8.) A beérkezett pályamunkákat a művész feltűntetésével az AXI&Aacute;L Kft. a cég belső és külső kommunikációs anyagaiban kívánja felhasználni térítésmentesen. 8)提交的报告承认,艺术家轴有限公司的工作是公司的内部和外部的沟通,可免费使用的材料。 (pl. a cég saját hirdetésében; a cég saját újságjában; a cég saját naptárában, ajándékk&ouml;nyvében, céges pólókon vagy kiállítási standjain, rendezvényein) (例如,在该公司自己的广告,该公司自己的报纸,公司拥有了自己的历法,书籍,礼品,企业的T恤或展览摊位及事件)

    9.) A postán érkezett pályamunkákat vissza nem küldjük. 9)意见书收到的邮件将被送回。

    10.) A pályázaton való részvétel, a pályázati feltételek elfogadását jelenti. 10)在比赛中的参与,接受投标条件。

    11.) &Eacute;rdeklődni a pályázattal kapcsolatban az alábbi elérhetőségeken lehet: 11)询问有关招标可以是下列地址:
    telefon: +36 20 426 58 82电话:+36 20 426 58 82
    e-mail: grafikuskelemen@gmail.com电子邮件:grafikuskelemen@gmail.com

    Minden pályázónak jó munkát és sikeres részvételt kívánunk!所有申请成功的参与,我们希望在一个良好的工作!

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